I know some players were chomping at the bit to find out the results, so after having a little sleep I've updated
my notes on the EuroQuake Damage server to incorporate some of the info Polarite very kindly supplied and add a few more facts and figures for posterity and those that like their stats. I'm currently trying to make a little time to convert those demos in to a basic video and will post back on
the Damage site when it's complete.
I'd like to thank and commend all of those that played and send my congratulations to Sole for a truly great win. I hope all that took part enjoyed it, including the spectators, and hope that you enjoyed it enough for us to organise another FFA2RQ in the near future.
I would also like to thank Painkiller, Dee and EZ for their help and support, Peg for.. well.. [where do I start?] let's just say just about everything

...and last but by no means least Polarite for his generosity of spirit, understanding, and good natured support without whom the excellent server and this event would not have existed.
Oh, and for those that also play FFA / DM.... Be afraid, be very afraid, the FFA10 tourney is coming!!

Kind regards