Rune Central

It's about time
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Author:  Ronin [ Mon Mar 10, 2003 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  It's about time

Hi Slot,
Nice move on selecting phpbb, its is my favorite and IMHO the best BB available. I run my user group's forum phpbb2 for postnuke. You can do a lot more once you know what you are doing.

My set up is 2 forums for Public anonymous posting. Once you register you have to select the Usergroups link and join the (members) usergroup. Once approved, it then opens the rest of the forum with information on vendors and upcoming events.
I also have a Leaders setup in the Usergroups link. Once approved, that open a private forum that only leaders and admins can see. Very slick.

You can also replace the generic logo with your file. Create your file with the same dimensions and save over the phpbb file.

Good Luck!
Send me a msg if you want to learn more.

Author:  Slot Zero [ Mon Mar 10, 2003 11:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi Ronin,

I haven't had the chance to replace the graphic or style settings yet. I haven't had a chance to explore the Usergroups section either but it sounds interesting.


Author:  Shmack [ Wed Jun 04, 2003 2:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey Slot,
Replace this. :twisted:

Author:  Pita [ Wed Jun 04, 2003 8:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Shmack needs to get SHMACKED!!!!!

Author:  IEEE 802.11 [ Thu Jun 05, 2003 4:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

I was having trouble figuring out what he meant too, it reads like "Hey Slot, remove this ::extends middle finger::" or he doesn't like devilish stuff and wishes it to be removed.

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