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server reset???
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Author:  Necronomicon [ Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  server reset???

Its been several years, but recently I started playing agin about a month ago. I had a ping around 30 and the game seem to play good. About 3 weeks ago I notice a change and my ping that was now in the 60's. Ive checked everything on my end and it seems fine. I have business class "guaranteed" at 50MPS "for what thats worth", but seems to be accurate. Ive checked packet loss and says 0. A few of the things in game play that don't seem right:
1. when moving it seems to skip frames
2. when I pick up mega health there is no sound, but I hear the sound when others pick it up
3. when I fight other players I get killed at the exact time their gun sounds and fires
4. also when I fight players, my hook sticks and weapon will not fire at times nor will rune activate sometimes... if its like a sniper rune

I know when Im owned and sometimes "a lot of times" that may be the case, but for the most part somethings not right with the game play. It seems worse when the opposing player makes a lot of quick moves…its like the packets aren't getting to me, but I show 0 packet loss! Im not sure if the server needing a reset is the issue, but after chatting with other players that also have these issues, that was suggested. I am in TN so I'm not that far away.

Im on a mac and use GL Quake 3.99

Author:  Zop [ Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: server reset???

1 and 3 might be a video problem... do you have a new video card, or new OS version since you played last? I have no idea how to do it on OSX, but see if you have programs in the background taking up cpu usage... if you're lucky, you can make it display a graph, so when it does start bugging out, you can see what's causing it.

Author:  Necronomicon [ Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: server reset???

Thanks Zop…I'll look and see. I will say last night I played it and there where no problems. Played like I expected, but the one difference was alt weapons were off. Not sure if that had anything to do with it, but when alts were voted back on, it started playing like my OP described

Author:  Killa [ Mon Jul 13, 2015 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: server reset???

Sure sounds like packet loss... been pretty bad for me lately as each round is about 600 droppeddatagrams. You miss sounds like weapon pickups and rockets being shot... then kind of skips around. Not sure why it is bad for so long-- then maybe a month or two later I'll have 0 dropped packets. Three months later its back to no good...ugh

Author:  EzJacK [ Tue Jul 28, 2015 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: server reset???

Hey Guys....
This has been going on for a long time, sometimes you rock and than other times I get all the same symptoms as Necronomicon. If there's any way Slot we can some how make things better, I'm all in, this is one of the only server's I I'm willing to donate and maybe others will as well to get this server running better for everyone? Just my thoughts....

Author:  Slot Zero [ Wed Jul 29, 2015 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: server reset???

I'm working on switching to a new host. I estimate no later than middle of September of this year [2015].

Author:  Necronomicon [ Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: server reset???

Cool…Im not sure why gameplay is so bad at times. I just left a game that had 4 of us playing and all seemed good. Another joined and my connection went to shit. It still showed me having the same ping, but I was now sticking to every corner, moving backwards when I select forward and its hit or miss if hook works or weapons fire. EZ was also in that game when it seem to play good, but left when the 5th person joined. Im not sure if gameplay changed for him as well, but the last person that joined said most leave because of his high level of skill. That could be so, but I do know the gameplay changed. Is there ever something that can change gameplay because a person joins?

Author:  Zop [ Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: server reset???

I haven't heard of it, and I really doubt it. Do you think it acts up after the same amount of time, each time, like after an hour? Do you get problems with other quake clients (and which client do you use)?

Author:  Necronomicon [ Thu Jul 30, 2015 3:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: server reset???

Ill try and pay more attention on length of time I've been on next time. Im using GL Quake 399 on a Mac.

Author:  Zop [ Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: server reset???

I'm not sure what's out there for Mac, other than the original engines, but I doubt proquake is bad. Also, it could be another application in the background doing stuff. Apple probably has something like windows task manager where you can see graphs of cpu/memory use and whatnot to look at when it starts acting up. Perhaps the fan on the video card is way dusty. Troubleshooting an intermittent problem is pretty annoying.

Author:  Necronomicon [ Fri Jul 31, 2015 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: server reset???

Thanks Zop, Ill look into my system. I thought it was my video card or this 30 inch monitor for a while, but when I started to see others complain about the same issues, I was unsure it was all on my end!

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