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Freeze rune part 3 - aka not what runes are awesome
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Author:  sprax [ Sat Feb 13, 2016 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Freeze rune part 3 - aka not what runes are awesome

Maybe you only deal half damage when you've got it? Because when you're in a game, a few frags away from the leader, and the leader grabs freeze rune and "one-shot-kills" his way to victory, it sorta takes the umph out of it. Traps are bad enough, this rune is a disease.

PS: Yes armor piercing is powerful, yes jack is the best, yes good health and good armor are strong defenses, none of that changes the one-shot-kills-with-no-consequnces lameness of freeze rune.

Author:  EzJacK [ Sat Feb 13, 2016 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Freeze rune part 3 - aka not what runes are awesome

Wow, can't believe your crying about this, I got 3 frags with the freeze rune, sorry about your luck.
Shit happens....

Author:  EzJacK [ Sat Feb 13, 2016 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Freeze rune part 3 - aka not what runes are awesome

Maybe if you played as Sprax I would have been more sensitive with the freeze rune, aka "Player" I had no idea....sorry Sprax hope you'll be ok.

Author:  sprax [ Sat Feb 13, 2016 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Freeze rune part 3 - aka not what runes are awesome

No ill will towards you man, always a good game. Thought I'd pop in to see how it was going, fire, ice, dspots and OFC freeze rune bullshit. I don't condemn you for using it, I condemn it for existing.

Author:  Zop [ Mon Feb 22, 2016 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Freeze rune part 3 - aka not what runes are awesome

Freeze, the ultimate killer. Actually, I would like to know which runes caused the most deaths per game. It doesn't seem hard to implement, but I have too many college projects to do this at the moment... Anyway, without proof, I do agree that Freeze is dangerously strong, but it's probably not in the top three killing runes. Even if you play perfectly with it, you become enemy #1, so it's a bit self-regulating. Of course, in a 1-on-1, it has no such drawback.

Author:  steve [ Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Freeze rune part 3 - aka not what runes are awesome

I go back to my original comments on this topic.... the freeze rune isn't that powerful. There are so many defenses to it that... if you can't stop someone from using it, perhaps you need to re-evaluate your strategy in a game.

- Resist rune
- Jack rune
- Health rune
- Armor rune
- Enviro rune
- Fire rune
- Possibly flame step rune?
- Picking up a mega health
- Picking up enviro suit

I mean, that's 9 different options. Someone who uses the Jack rune is way more powerful and can dominate a map over the freeze rune.

I just don't get why you are so upset over this rune. Most of the "good" players don't even really use this rune.

Also, Zop's idea is very interesting... can we start getting logs of the number of kills by rune? That would be some interesting stats to look at for a game and over a period of time.

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