Rune Central

April fools 2017
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Author:  sprax [ Mon Apr 03, 2017 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  April fools 2017

So that was fun, kinda sad it had to end. Disabling rune drop kept it interesting, maybe make that a vote option some time (or put a drop delay in). Some of the fools runes were unhinged (no clip phase rune) but some were kind awesome. Shambler with BFG, ice that just slows you down, more zombies. Anyway, putting this out there:
1) use a cron job to load that config once a month?
2) Change things up a bit? Make the chthon hat permanent? Make more zombies a thing? I dunno, thoughts?
3) One "hero rune" that gives you a random one of the fools runes. Why not let someone have that unkillable resist for a while? This is probably more work than Slot wants to do, but I'm putting it out there.
Either way, thanks Slot for doing it, was a good time!

Author:  Zop [ Wed Apr 05, 2017 5:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: April fools 2017

Yeah, it was quite fun with the Sprax touch. I wish I could have been there more. Thank Slot for his amazing and hilarious work on the mod.

I heard he almost put the ricochet effect of the Sniper Rune in the real mod, but decided to eat a pizza instead. I know I would have.

Author:  Slot Zero [ Thu Apr 06, 2017 4:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: April fools 2017

It's back up on 26003 if you want to play it. If for some reason it's not up, PM either of us to put it up.

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