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Author:  Dozer316 [ Sat Apr 29, 2017 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  +fraglogging

Hi there Folks,

I am successfully running this great mod on a mvdsv linux QW server and all seems to be fine so far. I used the localinfo infokey_maps 1 cvar to get a custom mapcycle running after looking the source repo.

I run a really old fraglog analyzer which parses the fraglog files and creates some HTML output which we use to maintain rank stats available on the web.

I noticed tonight that when the rune server is started with +fraglogfile, the log file is written but no events ever get dumped in it while -game runes is launched.

I was wondering if this is an issue with the particular server I've chosen to run the mod and whether one of the other server distros (proquake etc.) exhibits this behavior as well?

Many thanks in advance - Dozer.

Author:  Slot Zero [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 4:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: +fraglogging


I just started using mvdsv. Try 'modfraglogfile' instead, that produces output for me.

Author:  Dozer316 [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: +fraglogging

Thank you for checking this out for me - working fine now.

One other query, I noticed tonight that when the time or frag limit is reached the intermission screen showing scores often does not show and the game loads the next map as though I was typing map dm2 etc. on the server console.

Sometimes it comes up but not for long.

Seems to work better if a time limit is hit than a frag limit but still seems random.

I am using localinfo infokey_maps 1 and an array of maps beneath it.

Cheers again,


Author:  Slot Zero [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: +fraglogging

I am able to reproduce this on my server as well. Let me look into it.

Author:  Slot Zero [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: +fraglogging

I fixed the problem and made the changes available via downloads page and on github as of version 1.4.20.

Author:  Dozer316 [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: +fraglogging

Just brilliant, thanks for your responsiveness, working great now.

At the risk of being a pushy bastard, could I request a feature for a future version or perhaps a hint in the right direction if it's already there.

It would be awesome if there was a 10 second countdown to round end just to let players know it was time to get those last frags in.

I want to thank you again for maintaining / authoring this - it's really added a great deal of freshness to good old Quake.


Author:  Slot Zero [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: +fraglogging

Glad you are enjoying the mod!

There is a countdown timer, but you have to compile the source code to enable it. Are you using the precompiled progs.dat or do you compile it yourself?

Author:  Dozer316 [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: +fraglogging

Hey again, I'm using the pre-compiled version. I have the qccx compiler though so would be happy to give it a go if I could get a bit of guidance.

Could I get you to check out that fraglogfile issue again if you get a moment - modfraglog works fine but it outputs weapon stats as well which although cool doesn't work with my old log parser which there is no source for. It also seems to output player names slightly differently to the standard fraglog format with no leading \ at the start of the line.

Here is an example from modfraglogfile


And from fraglogfile (Just suicides)


Author:  Slot Zero [ Sun Apr 30, 2017 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: +fraglogging

You will want to modify the file called settings.qc. Since you're using quakeworld choose the 'qw' folder and run qccx from there. Look for:
// Timelimit countdown.  Use 1 to enable timer, 2 to enable audible timer,
// and 0 to disable.


(IMPORTANT: The 'src' folder uses make, m4, perl, and qccx to generate the poq and qw folders. Dropping qccx in this directory will cause the compiler to produce errors. Type 'make' instead from a linux environment. I only mention this for clarity's sake. You don't need this to compile.)

Author:  Slot Zero [ Mon May 01, 2017 12:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: +fraglogging

I've never used fraglogfile but it seems to be part of the original quakeworld source. It would seem that mvdsv changed the output of the logfile. Ideally changing the parser's source code to match the new format string is best, but the source code isn't present? Are you sure the parser isn't a text file in perl or python that you can modify using text editor?

When I get the chance I will take a closer look at mvdsv source code to see how it differs from idsource.

Author:  Dozer316 [ Mon May 01, 2017 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: +fraglogging

Yeah unfortunately it's a compiled x32 exe and the source isn't available - it works by parsing a header and a footer html file and generating an output with the contents of the fraglogfile in the middle, nicely formatted in a table. It works fine with mvdsv when using fraglogfile with the KTX mod and in vanilla mode but not with the runemod as noted which just results in no output.

The parser was written in 1998 but the author's website seems to still be online so if all else fails I might be able to contact him and see if a new version with support for the added entities in modfraglogfile could be included.

At any rate, thanks for the pointer for the countdown - I installed qccx on linux and compiled in that environment and it's working great.


Author:  Slot Zero [ Mon May 01, 2017 4:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: +fraglogging

Dozer316 wrote:
It works fine with mvdsv when using fraglogfile with the KTX mod and in vanilla mode but not with the runemod as noted which just results in no output.

So it turns out that logfrag() is a builtin function of QW qc and its not implemented in RQ. That explains the empty fraglog! I will implement it this week and let you know of my progress here.

Author:  Dozer316 [ Mon May 01, 2017 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: +fraglogging

Ah ha! - yeah that'll do it :)

We played a fair bit tonight and the server is working great - that shroom mode is over the top :)

Thanks for all your help.

Author:  Slot Zero [ Tue May 02, 2017 12:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: +fraglogging

Dozer316 wrote:
Thanks for all your help.

My pleasure!

Version 1.4.21 is on the downloads page. 'fraglogfile' works now!

Author:  Dozer316 [ Tue May 02, 2017 2:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: +fraglogging

Really appreciate all your help with this - compiled from the new source today and everything is working great!

Will give it a good test this week and see if anything else pops up but so far, no issues :)


Author:  Slot Zero [ Tue May 02, 2017 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: +fraglogging

Excellent, let me know how it goes.

Author:  Dozer316 [ Wed May 03, 2017 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: +fraglogging

Hey Slot,

Well today has been interesting - I heard back from Mike (the guy who originally wrote fraglog (web stats) and after playing Quake Champions over the weekend he is keen to revive his stats prog and enhance it with the additional info found in modfraglog. I have a few ideas for generating some pages that include weapon graphics etc. and frequency of use etc. as a start.

I'd also like to include some stats for the rune mod if possible in there and am about to create a work sheet of things we'd like to include. I was wondering if I could quiz you on what the numbers mean here following the weapon abbreviation.


I assume rl is rocket launcher and does the number indicate the rune id I was using when that kill was made or something else?

Is there an area in the source I should start looking for what info is being dumped out here or is it more relevant to mvdsv which is actually doing that logging?

At this stage I think the go would be to work with what we have log wise and look at doing something else if the initial version works well perhaps like match logs if this info could be dumped out with a match start / end header or something similar and then extracted from the logs and parsed.

Anyway, I'll tinker around and see what I can come up with initially.

Hope you're well - Dozer.

Author:  Slot Zero [ Wed May 03, 2017 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: +fraglogging

It's the value of time(). For more info, see this. If Mike is interested, tell him the the source code for mvdsv is here and to look in 'src/sv_mod_frags.c' to see how the log is generated.

Author:  Dozer316 [ Thu May 04, 2017 2:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: +fraglogging

Many thanks, will pass the info onto him today.

Author:  Dozer316 [ Thu May 04, 2017 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: +fraglogging

Hi Slot,

Tried head hunter mode tonight - great fun! - I had a look through heads.qc and added a couple of custom sounds when the heads are dropped off in the altar for my own version here. Sorry to bug you about this logging again but I noticed in head hunter mode, frags don't seem to be logged to fraglogfile but suicides seem to be ok.

Would I be correct to assume that this is because of the way frags are counted when the heads are dropped off in preference to when an enemy is killed?

If this is the case, would it be possible to log a batch of frags to the file the value of which equals how many are awarded at the altar?

For instance, if user dozer had 2 heads, 1 belonging to user SPG and 1 belonging to user Android that awarded 2 frags when dropped off to the altar could the fraglogfile be written as


so the log parser counted this as 2 frags for dozer?

Let me know if this doesn't make sense or if there's anything else I can provide which may help.


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