You'll need to modify the
map script in the
src folder and compile a new map-auto.qc file. This can be done in three steps.
First step, replace the custom level array with your own.
Look for this portion of code inside the map script:
my @custom_lev = (
[], # unused
[ # small
[ # medium
[ # large
and replace it with this:
my @custom_lev = (
[], # unused
[ # small
[ # medium
[ # large
Second, delete the line that wipes out the array.Directly under the code you just replaced, remove this line:
@custom_lev = ();
Last step, compile the map script to generate a new map-auto.qc
I think your servers are Linux, so just type
perl map > map-auto.qc
Take the newly created file and replace it with the one in your 'poq' folder. Compile as you normally would.