Zop wrote:
Bits of optimization- which aren't even necessary, really, but it feels like accomplishment nonetheless.
Really. In this day of multi ghz puters you can have some pretty sloppy code and it will run fast.
If you're bored and want a challenge slap an old 3dfx Voodoo card in a pentium one and then Optimize the Quake code for that. The OpenGL is not quite right or the MiniGL is off because on my old system with dual Voodoo 1's there are some levels in which ProGL Quake chunks. It still runs great but it could be better. QII has better texture and more polygons and its smooth as hell. I can run my AV with QII and it hardly burps. That's something I can't do with ProGL Quake. So I get a good feeling it's more the code making GL Quake chunk at times on my system than the system itself.