Rune Central

Update for all my fans!
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Author:  Zop [ Sat Aug 05, 2006 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Update for all my fans!

New runes, both are the always-on type:

-Static Shield-
Run around to build up staticand then electric bolts will start circling you. If you're hit by an closeby enemy, a bolt will be used to instantly zap the enemy. For further distances, a bolt is aimed and shot quickly.

-Volcanic Rune-
Bunches of flames will be tossed around you. (Quite similar to Spikey Cloud)

Vote for any level by typing its name in the console. A vote for a level will not proceed to that level until a vote-exit has been passed by the players as well.

Empathy rune is more obvious now that it creates circling bubbles above the player's head instead of particles.

Author:  Canadian*Sniper [ Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

hehe, you told me about the static electricity rune :) Clever :D

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