Rune Central

Major changes and addition of Edit Mode
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Author:  Zop [ Wed Dec 31, 2003 1:38 am ]
Post subject:  Major changes and addition of Edit Mode

1. Added aliases to necessary impulses:
rune-use is impulse 100 which now switches runes
rune-tell is impulse 99 which displays your current rune
rune-delete is impulse 98 which removes your current rune

vote-exit is impulse 70
vote-same is impulse 71
vote-rand is impulse 72

2. Changed/added to menu

3. Removed most non-combat runes

4. Added Edit Mode:
Use points earned (by fragging or being fragged) to edit the level. You can add/delete ammo and health, add weapons/powerups (randomly- for now), switch locations of ammo or weapons, or just add spawnpoints (not in lava, sorry). Currently, the server starts you out with enough points to create a random powerup, but that's just currently for testing.

5. Hookshot is on its way... I'm thining of a dual hookshot ability (which isn't that useful, but sounds cool) Pulling yourself apart would be funny...

Author:  Baker [ Wed Dec 31, 2003 1:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Major changes and addition of Edit Mode

Cool 8)

(add "Server: Banana.Essentrix.Net" to your sig :D )

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