Rune Central

Lot Different Than 2 Years Ago
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Author:  Baker [ Wed May 04, 2005 2:23 am ]
Post subject:  Lot Different Than 2 Years Ago

Those games last night on with Hydro and Yellow were interesting. I can see the mod has evolved a lot since a couple of years ago. Some of those runes were really cool and strange 8)

I never did get the corpse eater thing to work or maybe I did and just couldn't figure it out.

[Yes, I received your email too, btw]

Author:  Zop [ Wed May 04, 2005 3:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

That's easy! You eat them by walking on them, pressing the action button, press 5 for the eat/drink menu, then press 6 for the eat corpse option. Then you have to fire at the head to eat that- and THEN you can shoot the body to eat that part.

Author:  sputnikutah [ Thu Jul 14, 2005 10:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

dont forget to click your heals and say, "there's no place like home..."

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