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Server Hosting
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Author:  powersofpain [ Tue May 09, 2006 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Server Hosting

I'd be very interested in trying to host another server for the coop mod. Let me know when and if this would be possible. Also, is there a way to play the default maps in the mod? I like the custom maps but it's always nice to jump in and play the good 'ol ID maps from time to time as well.



Author:  RocketGuy [ Tue May 09, 2006 4:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

it would be possible whenever you like. it would be nice if you can contact me on some IM service, i use AIM and MSN.

Author:  Baker [ Tue May 09, 2006 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Server Hosting

powersofpain wrote:
I like the custom maps but it's always nice to jump in and play the good 'ol ID maps from time to time as well.

Yeah, just type "START" or "E1M5" in the console, for example to vote for that map.


1. If you do decide to run the mod, I'd recommend port 26003 so people can remember the port easily, I'm assuming you'd be running it at Intertex and that the port wouldn't be 26000.

2. If you decide to run custom maps, and you don't have to run custom maps by the way, I'd personally recommend running the same ones as so players can switch from server to server, if they please.

3. If you prefer to run other custom maps than runs instead of doing #2, I'd be more than willing to build an installer and intro map for it with screenshots, etc just like the Intro map at and throwing a link to wherever you host the files in the QuakeOne file downloads section.

Author:  powersofpain [ Wed May 10, 2006 9:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've tried typing just a normal map name and it doesn't seem to change for me. I'd love to host the mod but I need you to send me the mod files for the server side host.

Let me know. I added you to my icq but awaiting your authorization.


Author:  Baker [ Wed May 10, 2006 9:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just logged onto the server and typed "DM6" in the console it said

"Player voted for DM6. 2 more votes required."

It works. You have to wait 2 seconds after connecting to the server for the aliases to be sent to the client.

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