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RocketGuy --- custom progs request!
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Author:  Baker [ Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  RocketGuy --- custom progs request!

I'll tell you what I am doing later, but I need a custom progs.dat based off of progs 106 (Download) with merely the following 2 changes ....

1. I need a designated teleporter to send the QUIT command to the client.

2. I need the client immune to falling damage (no noise when falling either).

3. If possible AND easy ... make it impossible to fire. It's not that important but would be a nice touch.

I have an idea for a total conversion using JoeQuake GL (it is the only engine that meets all the requirements of a cool idea I have) and basically I need #1 and #2 to make it work. I will be using cl_confirmquit 0 with JoeQuake so the EXIT teleporter will terminate JoeQuake.

It isn't for a game, but rather I thought of something really cool I could do with JoeQuake that isn't a game and I should be able to build it tonight.

EDIT: I am dumb for not using PM :D

Author:  RocketGuy [ Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

comin right up.

Author:  RocketGuy [ Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

done, download here

to make a teleporter terminate quake set it's netname field to "quitter".

Author:  Baker [ Mon Aug 14, 2006 10:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Cool! Thanks man!

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