Rune Central

Rquake 1.2
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Author:  powersofpain [ Thu Aug 17, 2006 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Rquake 1.2

With the new maps out and all, is there a new 1.2 server side progs or will there be one coming out soon to support the changes?

Author:  Lardarse [ Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:51 am ]
Post subject: 

The devkit will be released soon.

Of course, if you're impatient, you can grab the source code from our SVN server and compile it yourself...

Go to and get the current version that's based on the 1.3 tree. I think it's 1.3.6. After you install that, create a folder on your desktop called rquake, then open it, right-click inside and select SVN Checkout. The repository address is svn:// and all the other settings can be left as they are. Then click OK.

Once it has finished downloading everything, open the trunk folder, then the tools folder. Open and extract frikqcc-release.exe to the source folder. Then open a command prompt and navigate to teh source folder. Once there, do the following command:

frikqcc-release /O2 -allownest

The progs.dat that you require will appear on the desktop.

Have fun!


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