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Shareware version bug reports ...
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Author:  Baker [ Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:33 am ]
Post subject:  Shareware version bug reports ...

1. It looks like all the exits on the Start Map goto E1M1 ... excellent! But typing START in the console to vote the map gave me "Cancelled, invalid map impulse 57."

2. I managed to get this error on E1M1 and it crashed the server ...

PackFile: C:\Program Files\quake/id1/pak0.pak : progs/dog.mdl
PackFile: C:\Program Files\quake/id1/pak0.pak : progs/suit.mdl
PackFile: C:\Program Files\quake/id1/pak0.pak : maps/b_explob.bsp
FindFile: can't find startlevel.cfg
couldn't exec startlevel.cfg
CALL2 795(setmodel)setmodel()
runes40.qc : Cloud_Spawn
runeserv.qc : Rune_Activate
runeserv.qc : Rune_Touch
no precache: progs/teleport.mdl

Host_Error: Program error
Host_ShutdownServer: NET_SendToAll failed for 1 clients
Client player removed

ERROR: Host_Error: Program error

Press Enter to exit

I think the Spikey death cloud must somehow still be in the mod with the unusable teleport.mdl. I had this occur 3 times. The third time it occurred when I tried to exit on E1M6 without killing enough monsters.

3. Other than that it looks really solid. I played it thru and used several runes and even checked what happened on E1M8 and E1M7 if I exited.


2 Additional ideas you might consider ...

a. Reseting the frags per map and keeping the player points for level calculation somewhere else for determining a players level. I think that a shareware coop server is important and I am thinking of having Essentrix host your shareware version, and it would be nice to have it scanned by GameStatus.Net to have server rankings available (the GameStatus.Net scanning method would run afoul if the frags didn't reset on each map, it would have no way of determining a points total unless the frags = 0 at the start of each map.)

b. Would it be hard or even possible to have the ability to toggle the monsters on/off with a vote-monsters command? That way the server could be similar FVF as to allow the players there to deathmatch each other if they so choose. (of course, turning off the monsters would mean the teleporters would have to be disabled --- or better, function like on Shmack 26000 so if the players deathmatched they could use the Start teleporters).

The reason I am asking about "b" is this would allow a dual-purpose server to exist for shareware Quake users. They could fight vs. the monsters, or if no one was around, vote away the monsters and play against each other like FVF allows.

This looks great RocketGuy, you did an excellent job. A think coop is an essential part of Quake, since coop is not common and some "just for fun" Quake players are initimated by deathmatch and don't really enjoy getting pounded to death.

Author:  RocketGuy [ Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks. I'm going to fix this now.

Author:  RocketGuy [ Wed Jun 29, 2005 2:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Fixed, uploaded.
About "a":
That shouldn't be hard.
About "b":
That could be hard but I'll see what I can do. Some runes have been removed because they weren't any good against monsters.

Author:  Baker [ Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

About "b" ... the rune selection you have in place is fine. I wouldn't worry about whether all the runes in standard RQ are available.

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