With a great deal of initial assistance by Mithril, I got Linux setup and have been able to make a Linux cheat-free ProQuake with anti-wallhack.
I'm not a big fan of cheat-free mode, just because unfortunately a lot of the hardcore players have a hacked opengl cheat they can use at will.
But runs in cheat-free mode.
This isn't really any better than the anti-wallhack you run at Shmack. There is a new anti-wallhack mode, sv_cullentities 2 that does a visibility test on all entities (not just players) that Rook wrote (tutorial here, if you are interested). The purpose of full entity screening is because merely shooting can give away your position, not really a major deal since shooting makes noise. There is a (very) mild side-effect which is that rocket trails can appear interrupted if they pass in and out of sight.
Anyway, is where most of the serious DM players play and the #1 complaint about the server is the lack of anti-wallhack protection.
Cheat-free Linux 3.90 binaryIf you are interested.
(Source sent via private message)