Rune Central

Overlooked? - Discharging with Suit.
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Author:  Paradise [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:52 am ]
Post subject:  Overlooked? - Discharging with Suit.

It is a given that while wearing the Environmental Suit you will not die if having the Electricity Rune and jumping into liquid, amongst other things. With Thor Rune you can user LG under water - as part of the rune description. Also possessing Self-Preservation and Environmental rune also will not injure you into water if LG is used.

Then, why firing LG and wearing Suit will result into a discharge killing you underwater? Was this intentional?

I possessed both and it occured to me that I never encountered this scenario and decided to play it out - which resulted into a self death. Also does the discharge kill others than me? How is the server set in that respect?

These things are the only 2 aspects missing from my complete total knowledge of this mod.


Author:  godsend1 [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Overlooked? - Discharging with Suit.

Hi Paradise,

I know Slot recently enbled voting for the discharge to affect others in the water, so it toggles depending on vote.

I can't help you with your other question.

Author:  Paradise [ Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Overlooked? - Discharging with Suit.

Ah. Yes, thanks. Discharging is votable.

As for lightning, I figured Environmental Suit is same as rune, plus green tint. It should protect same - being temporary.

I do not know if I am the only one that caught that. Providing that I played this mod that long I should have noticed earlier, hehehe... :oops:

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