Rune Central

Zomething Zany
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Author:  Baker [ Mon Oct 27, 2003 12:50 am ]
Post subject:  Zomething Zany

I saw an IEEE demo that I just had to turn into an AVI

(if you need the Divx codec to view this video, get it at )

One thing I've always loved about IEEE's coding and everything is that he appreciates zany ztuff and has a soft easy going sense of humor.

The reason I bring this up in the developers forum, is I think that it would be interesting if some oddball easter eggs where thrown into RuneQuake.

You know, just some general funny stuff.

One thing I thought of is perhaps every 5th level have a quick "Speed Round" or call it "Map Race Round"

* where the map is the start map
* everyone is invulernable in a rune of shielding kind of way
* everyone loses all of their ammo
* and the first player to get to ANY exit with rockets, nails and cells in there pack ends the level with a whole bunch of fire trap looking sparks spraying down from the ceiling near that teleporter like FIREWORKS or CONFETTI (similar to how the backpacks fall out of IEEE in the above demo).

The player who "wins" (WINNER) gets to SELECT THE NEXT LEVEL the next level using something similar to IEEE's rune of rune selection, where you cycle through maps by pressing rune use and then press fire when you find the one you wants with a 10 second timer counting down as a time limit.

Just a thought and perhaps an idea starter.

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