Rune Central

Possible bug with Divine Wind/Glue Rune
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Author:  Kamek [ Sun Nov 09, 2003 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Possible bug with Divine Wind/Glue Rune

I was playing on Deadzone's server. Their glue rune lets you drop 10 blobs of glue instead of just 3. Anyway I was on map START and dropped some glue in the underground area where the Nightmare gate transports you to where the quad damage is.

I was notified that my enemy was stuck in the glue, and I had the Al Qaeda (Divine Wind) rune, so I went to go blow him up like a good little suicide bomber. I started the countdown before I entered the Nightmare gate. 3...2...1... when I entered the Nightmare gate, I telefragged the guy (not what I expected) and the countdown stopped.

I assumed this was a glitch and moved on... but later, just as I was about to get caught in my OWN glue, the Al Qaeda rune went off and I went out in a blaze of glory.

Problem A: the countdown stopped when I telefragged the guy caught in my glue
Problem B: the rune went off spontaneously later in the game, as I was about to get caught in my own glue

I know the Deadzone uses a different version of Runequake but I thought I'd share the info here. I have not tried reproducing the glitch in regular Runequake.

Author:  Ben [ Sun Nov 09, 2003 8:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like a bug with self.runevar.

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