Rune Central

some rune ideas
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Author:  oh snap [ Mon Sep 20, 2004 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  some rune ideas

hi ive been playing this mod for a while now and since then like the last time ive played this mod like.......5 years ago, ive seen many improvements.

anyway, i have a couple of ideas for runes that you might want to think about. it would be nice if you post your comments about what i thought about too. thx

- Rune of Proximity Mines

since the Scourge of Armagon had this in it's expansion, it would be nice to have on on here.

- Rune of Random Relocation (Defensive)

Point and aim at your opponent to relocate them to another part of the level.

edit: one more :D

- "Slip" Rune (uhh...)

Freeze area ground, forcing players to slide on the floor.

Author:  Slot Zero [ Mon Sep 20, 2004 9:00 pm ]
Post subject: 


Thanks for your suggestions. As with all suggestions, I will add them to my list. If I get around to testing some of your suggestions, I will reply here with my thoughts.


Author:  oh snap [ Thu Sep 30, 2004 4:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Adding some more ideas :D

- EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) Blast Rune

Players that are caught within the blast radius of any explosive weapon is frozen for 2 seconds.

- Heavy Weapon Rune

Drop weapons that cause foes to forcibly aim down when picked up.

- Matrix Rune

Force everyone in sight to slow down dramatically. (Speed Wise)

* Charged

- Electric-Water-Link Rune

You can shoot anywhere *outside* of the water with the Thunder Bolt to kill foes who are within bodies of water.

* Note: The method of hit-point depletion is similar to hook damage. Point at water with T. Bolt, shoot and hold. No discharging BS.

- Rocket Canceller

Cancel out foes in sight who are using rocket related weapons.

- Electric Canceller

Cancel out foes in sight who are using electric related weapons.

- "Farsight" Rune

Perfect Dark. For those who dont know, the Farsight was the sniper-rifle that can shoot through walls, and the catch is, you can aim absolutely anywhere on the map cancelling out all obstacles and just having the players in view. This might be an obsurd idea, but why not try it.

- Nail-Spray Rune

Nail related weaponry is now shot in a "spray" style.

- Rune of the Mjlonir

The hammer from Scourge of Armagon.

- Rune of Monster Summoning Points

Place up to 5 monster points to randomly spawn a monster and kill your foes.

Author:  Pita [ Sat Oct 02, 2004 10:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Weapons loss

One time use rune.. When activated EVERYONE loses their weapons!! Wouldn't that just tick ya off! :roll:

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