Rune Central

Full Inv. ?
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Author:  MentalPatient [ Sun Oct 24, 2004 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Full Inv. ?

Is it in any way possible for a autoaim, mdl hack, or whatever, to see someone using the full inv. rune? Twice now I've been targeted directly and gibbed by ppl who obvioulsy saw me. I never had a quad, suit, etc, so I wasn't glowing or anything. The only thing in coomon on the two occasions was I was standing in water knee deep.

Frustrating. :shock:

Author:  Slot Zero [ Sat Nov 20, 2004 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Camouflage Rune

Probably not. More than likely you were spotted/heard while you thought nobody was looking/listening. It's also possible that you were affected by someone's rune, like repulse or gravity, which will also make you visible.

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