Rune Central

[NEW FEATURE] - MM2 Observer Chat
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Author:  Slot Zero [ Sat Apr 02, 2005 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  [NEW FEATURE] - MM2 Observer Chat

Bam suggested that there should be a way for observers to talk to each without disturbing the people playing and without the server being setup in team mode. Here's what I came up with,

Using mm2 (messagemode2) as an observer will print your message only to other observers. When your message is printed, it will be surrounded by brackets [ ], indicating that only observers can see it. If you attempt to use mm2 as a player, it will work as it normally does and print your message to everyone (without the brackets).

If the server is in team mode, mm2 will only print messages to people of the same team color when you are not an observer.

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