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[NEW MODE] - Match Mode
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Author:  Slot Zero [ Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  [NEW MODE] - Match Mode

Type vote-match to enable this mode and vote-normal, vote-arena, or vote-practice to get out of it.

Rune Quake's match mode is a recreation of CRMod's match mode. It allows two or more players to play a timed game without other players joining the game and interrupting.

To test match mode, go to and use vote-match to switch mode from practice to match.

New Commands


Commands To Come


Current Default Settings

Countdown Timer: no default [use faststart to change]
Match Time: no default [use timeset to change]
Runes: OFF
Alts: OFF
Rotating Armors: OFF
Weapons Stay: OFF
Hook: OFF

Known Issues
  • There is no vote-match, yet. [ADDED]
  • Rapidly changing colors can trigger frag for wrong team. [FIXED]
  • All items don't repsawn yet. [FIXED]
  • Rune traps need to be cleaned up before next match. [FIXED]
  • Dropped powerups don't get cleaned up before next match. [FIXED]
  • Disabled items are getting respawned during match countdown. [FIXED]
  • Riders from the previous level remain as riders. [FIXED]
  • A vote-armor-drop command is needed. [ADDED]
  • Server timelimit causes level change. [FIXED]
  • There is no indication of which players are "READY". This will be added to +showscores. [FIXED]
  • If you leave a match or go observer during a match, there is no way to get back in. To abort a match, every player must go observer or leave. [FIXED 1.4.6][/color]
  • The +teamscores command is wonky in match mode. [WIP] [FIXED? 1.4.8]
  • Team color descriptions aren't the same as CRMod.
  • Team stats needed at regular 'match_timer' intervals.
  • Populate server cvars to indicate match status.
  • Need auto-observe for non-ready (in-game) players.
  • The team-stats command needs to be tweaked.
  • Dead player can continue hook during match start/finish.
  • Maybe allow pre-match observers to vote?
  • Use alternate impulses for 1-6 aliases to prevent accidental weapon switch.

Found an issue not listed? Let me know!

Author:  Baker [ Fri Oct 07, 2005 9:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Great, I can't wait to test this out. We've needed this so badly.

Author:  Baker [ Fri Oct 07, 2005 11:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Looks pretty good, Yellow and did a couple of matches on it.

Author:  Slot Zero [ Sat Oct 08, 2005 9:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

  • The timeset command is now working.
  • You can no longer pick-up runes while not in a match.
  • Lot of code clean-ups, keep an eye out for bugs.

Author:  Baker [ Sat Oct 08, 2005 9:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

The only thing I've noticed so far is that after a match is over you can't go observer even when dead.

Author:  Slot Zero [ Sat Oct 08, 2005 9:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Type observer at any time in match mode to become an observer. Careful though, if you do this during a match you won't be able to get back in (at the moment).

Author:  Slot Zero [ Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:56 pm ]
Post subject: 


Thanks for the bug report about how riders stay as riders in match mode when the level changes. This is fixed. BTW, this also fixes the problem when these same riders would join the game and start with -99 frags.

Author:  sputnikutah [ Wed Nov 02, 2005 5:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

This is a great sub game mode for runequake. :idea: Though, what if you added a votable (or .cfg) for runes allowed in a match.
First to mind could be the basic "zoid" runes. Or the popular runes that might benifit/balance teamplay?

Also you may consider:
match pause -- incase someone lagsout (ie TIMERSTOP)
ghostcode - so the laggered can rejoin and retain his stats/equip

and something i added to my ctf mod, when you aim at a teammate it centerprints name \n [armor/health/rune] :D

Author:  Baker [ Wed Nov 02, 2005 9:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

sputnikutah wrote:
This is a great sub game mode for runequake. :idea: Though, what if you added a votable (or .cfg) for runes allowed in a match.
First to mind could be the basic "zoid" runes. Or the popular runes that might benifit/balance teamplay?

Also you may consider:
match pause -- incase someone lagsout (ie TIMERSTOP)
ghostcode - so the laggered can rejoin and retain his stats/equip

and something i added to my ctf mod, when you aim at a teammate it centerprints name \n [armor/health/rune] :D

There is a basic 4 runes option in RuneQuake, although it has to be set in settings.qc (I think) ... it's not votable as far I know.

I've used the 4 runes option and -- this could just be user error --- but it looks like the 4 runes are not unique, i.e. 2 ppl could have strength or half-damage.

Slot has already implemented more total flexibility than probably any QuakeC modification written (and managed to keep it within non-expert level ease of use too!).

I wonder where the limit is ;)

Author:  Slot Zero [ Fri Nov 04, 2005 7:16 am ]
Post subject: 

sputnikutah wrote:
match pause -- incase someone lagsout (ie TIMERSTOP)
ghostcode - so the laggered can rejoin and retain his stats/equip

I plan to add these.

Author:  desh [ Sun May 10, 2009 2:38 pm ]

i'm not sure if this is the right thread to post this in, but I just noticed something about match mode. I joined a server in which two players had started a match, and then they left the match before it ended. This left the server with the match still running, and the observers were unable to join the match to stop it, or were able to vote for a new mode. The solution to this is to have the match be aborted if all players leave the match. Also, anytime someone leaves the match or gets disconnected, the match timer should stop and the game should pause.

Author:  Slot Zero [ Mon May 11, 2009 1:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [NEW MODE] - Match Mode

What server did you experience this on?

Author:  desh [ Mon May 11, 2009 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [NEW MODE] - Match Mode

it was on the euroquake server.

Author:  Slot Zero [ Tue May 12, 2009 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [NEW MODE] - Match Mode

Hmm, that server is using the latest version and shouldn't have this problem. I'll look into it.

Author:  Slot Zero [ Fri Nov 14, 2014 3:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [NEW VOTE SYSTEM / COMMANDS]

desh wrote:
i'm not sure if this is the right thread to post this in, but I just noticed something about match mode. I joined a server in which two players had started a match, and then they left the match before it ended. This left the server with the match still running, and the observers were unable to join the match to stop it, or were able to vote for a new mode. The solution to this is to have the match be aborted if all players leave the match. Also, anytime someone leaves the match or gets disconnected, the match timer should stop and the game should pause.

This is now fixed [hopefully]. Better late than never?

Author:  Slot Zero [ Fri Nov 14, 2014 4:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [NEW MODE] - Match Mode

I made a couple improvements and bug fixes to match mode over the past week. Thanks to Zop and Lasker for helping me test the changes and find even more bugs to fix.

  • Improved the +teamscores feature to include countdown timer and match timer in the scoreboard.
  • The match teamsize now updates properly. It also updates when you 'lock' the mode. (Ex: 1v1, 2v2)
  • Players can now join unbalanced teams without typing 'unlock' first!
  • Prevented level voting during a match.
  • Fixed multiple instances where the match timer wouldn't start and stop properly.
  • Fixed a bug where pets would attack teammates. Traps now indicate which team placed them using particles that match team color.

Match mode still needs a lot of work as many of the features available in CRMod are missing, most importantly the pause feature. There is a basic ghost feature which allows disconnected clients to restore frags, items, and colors that's IP based. To access, simply press "2" or type "ready" when you reconnect.

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