And I don't really know what the with/without pak2 poll refers to.
All the game data in Quake is contained within 2 PAK files: PAK0.PAK & PAK1.PAK. They are similar to zip files and contain the Quake maps, sounds, models and other data. Quake is designed to read other PAK files that are added to the same directory. If somebody adds a PAK2.PAK file to the ID directory, and it is in the right format, Quake will read it.
When somebody talks about a PAK2, they are generally talking about a cheat file somebody has to their Quake directory.
Now, here is the confusing part. At some point, a lot of players started saying, "Hey, these cheats are okay. Only bot's and wallhacks are real cheats. I need my glowing player skins damnit". It became accepted by a lot of players that you could use "Pak2" if it just contained player glow.
The problem is, you can get anything into a PAK2. I have seen PAK2 files with wallhacked maps, player glow, quad and pent timers, player trails, underwater markers, and a whole bunch of other crap. About the only thing you can't get in there is a client side bot. You can't say one thing is okay, but another isn't.
Anybody that uses a PAK2 is a cheat. Always have been, always will be. I'm sure some talentless prick will disagree with me, but he's wrong.