EGO wrote:
Why is it that almost everyone thinks their config is the best and that they have to argue about it. I am sorry, but I AM NOT YOU! Everyone always says they can fix this, they can fix that, or they know what is wrong, or try this, or try that. Well so far only a couple of the people that I know I have trusted and they were right. But there are still other issues that cannot be resolved and we don't know why. But there are also other issues too that people just don't seem to know how to read for some reason. I mean come on, what part of "NO KEYS LEFT" don't you understand? Or, "Sorry I have everything set for my hands NOT YOURS!" Then we still come to the FACT that several people still have to argue about anything they can just to annoy people. Well, I gave up on the arguing, I just leave and annoy them because I left. When people LEARN to READ then maybe it would be worth the argument, until then, I will keep my config the way it is, making minor changes here and there, but keep in mind, we are human, we don't have 104 fingers, and since most of us use a mouse that means 104 fingers on one hand. Nuff said!
Here, here... same goes with people telling me to use mouse. I tried it 3 times, hated it, so f off.
Real Quakers use KB!