Ok, i have spoken my peace and still got sucked deeper into this thread than my first post initially had planned 2. But i enjoyed all your contradictory remarks and useless, aimless and evidence lacking claims. After all years of ur crap this thread really showed me who u are in a way the little spam in actual gameplay couldnt. Dam, shouldve left u alone a looong time ago. Now 4 sure, ill stay well away. i almost be-friended u in quake as there was a time i thought i had calmed u down. Alas, scoffer lets yet another person down. I really hope and i think i know u must be different in real life, as somebody would have broken at least your hands by now. Or u simply just dont leave the house, i dont know or care to know the case. All i know is in some inadequate way u are filling some void in your life with abusing ppl in quake, and becoming some type of villain. I mean every class has its clown rite? Some are A+ students. Im not quick to make assumptions or ever pass judgement on someone an A student might be an asshole or other way around. u might be as quiet as a church mouse out in public, or a raving lunatic as in quake , again, i dont know. But Slot is right, there is a bad apple in every bunch. There wouldnt be pleasure w/o pain, obviously there has to be some balance in realism and bs, quake would just be too good to be true w/o u scoffy. sigh... i do waste my time thinkin about this ish' but writing is healthy for u. And im sure that this all makes sense scoff, not just in my own mind as u will prolly say. U havent rattled any cages, ppl are responsive by nature, and will defend themselves, depending on occasion or the person involved, some react some dont some want to some dont, the secret is to have an understanding of that and then make a decision as to the follow thru response. "hmm" im gonna ignore this guy" ? or "ill get sucked into his hate trap" ? just make a conscious effort to ignore this retarded baby gorilla (sorryevry1)...
"the internet is a zoo, we are all playing from our cages, but the tigers dont have to talk to the dodo's"
Please let this be the last post about this subject and just ignore the boy, lots of time and effort and hours went into this thread. More than any 1 bad celebrity deserves. This glutton basks in his glory. Can all in favor of wanting to shun him please simply start to do so. This will be last he or anyone ever hears about this topic from me. It takes all of us to make him feel the effect..
Silence will be his downfall.p.s. Tia i didnt listen to u that time on shmack about a week ago to shut up and stop trying to change another player ill leave unnamed. Sorry bout that, ive learned my lesson about getting dragged into this tripe
not OWNED, just SHUNNED.