>>You 2 should take a hint from IEEE, seriously.
If you mean by me being silent then I'm about to blow it
I just have a few things I want to say just to show where I stand in all this:
Just to protect myself in the future, my code has something called BETA_MODE which will give you all the weapons and ammo. This is JUST for testing stuff, it is not a cheat and when it's enabled it applies to EVERYONE at the server.
Now, why did I just say that? Because it is easy to alter the code to make it look like it's really something else. "How can you say that? I thought you were on Ben's side!" As Dole always said I stand on the fence all the time, never on one side or the other. Painkiller and I share the same interests, making new runes and trying new stuff. Ben does the thing I can't do and don't want to do cause I suck at it horribly, running a server and helping me a ton with the code. I hold both of them at equal eye level, but I do have my share of disagreements with both of them, which is normal. I treat this situation without considering who they are in relation to me. Think of it as mentally renaming them to someone else "Bob vs Joe".
Joe says Bob is a cheating admin. Joe offers proof. Joe's proof is in text form and could be simply fabricated. Bob doesn't seem to say it's a fabrication. Joe was also a former admin of Bob's. Bob had outted Joe and company from being admins. Joe has motive. Joe looks like he's trying to make Bob look bad. Joe has nothing to gain but the satisfaction of making Bob look bad, ie. Revenge. Joe tries to get Bill to agree. Bill seems interested, but Bill learns of the history between Joe and Bob and reacts in the proper manner.
So did Bob really use cheats? Or did Joe just make this up to make Bob look bad? If Joe knew Bob cheated why didn't Joe say anything before? Is Jim the mastermind behind this all? Is Bob's evil twin still alive?
Find out in tomorrow's episode of "As the Quad Turns"...
So you can see, I must be viewed as a t-total jerk sometimes for not sticking up for my friends, but in this world we're all held to our own actions and reactions. I'm not letting one person's actions reflect on my own when I disagree with those actions. This applies to everyone for me.
PK, yes I said some things the day before this happened, but they were totally unrelated. And I hope what I said has no connection to these events. Please don't think of it as some plot that I was part of. It was my own indepentant plot to show how displeased I am to the outcome of the offical Rune Quake Map Pack, aka the Map Project