Frenzy wrote:
I am actually pretty tired of people calling me a cheat because I'm the best player on the server. Just because I can beat toyo, or I outdo Gohan at his best, or this and that, it's rediculous. So Slot, if you're getting complaints of me cheating, I DO NOT cheat on shmack, it's just exceptionally easy winning on that server, as I am an old 3wave CTF'er.
This is pure Bullshit, you have never beat TOYO nor GOHAN, hell even I beat you with like 25 frags above you (not to mention our 1on1). Come down from what you smoking. It's not easy winning on that server at all, sometimes even with noobs (which have gotten very good lately) - it is very competitive, but what IS "easy" and I noticed about you is that you flap your gums yapping lies. So get your shit right and your facts correct. Bragger. oh and I never noticed anybody called you a cheater either.
As one of the acting leaders of the Clan Frenzy is in I feel responsible for any undue bragging that may have been done and am willing to take in his stead any sort of spanking, tackling or pinning down you feel needs to be done here.