Rune Central

Dredd Clan Arena X - Custom Maps Server
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Author:  Baker [ Sun Apr 08, 2007 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Dredd Clan Arena X - Custom Maps Server


A new server is out -- or -- running 51 fresh new maps.

Dredd runs Clan Arena X, a mod similar to Shmack:26002 practice mode but is round oriented, a last man standing (per team) mod involving usually 2 teams, but sometimes 3 or 4. Players spawn with all weapons and ammo and 200 armor and fight until only 1 team has surviving members.

Image Image Image

Map Downloads:

Dredd Maps EZ Installer - 14.1 MB
Dredd Maps Zip File - 16.9 MB (unzip to c:\quake\id1\maps)[/url]

If you use DarkPlaces, you can download a PK3 (compress pak file) and save it in to c:\quake\id1. Download: DarkPlaces PK3 download


Clan Arena X is a mod coded by Rook and Bam, with a few things inspired by RuneQuake like the pq_teamscores support (a ProQuake feature that is also in Qrack that shows team totals in the HUD).

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