Rune Central

Known issue? Pro server / DP client
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Author:  In2ishun [ Sat Jun 09, 2007 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Known issue? Pro server / DP client

My apologies if this is a problem that's been known for a while. I only recently resurrected my Quake enthusiasm.

Is there a known issue where Darkplaces clients connecting to a ProQuake server running Runes will not see the map? I've had two people tell me that when they connect, all they see is blackness, no structures at all (yes they have the map in the DP/Id1/Maps directory). Personally, I run the JoeQuake client so this has never been an issue for me. I connected with the DP client and saw only the items on the level (health, armor, weapons) in their appropriate positions on a map, but could not see ANY of the walls, floor, or ceiling. It was pitch black.

Known issue?

For the moment, I'm telling people to use any other client including standard WinQuake to connect, but this is a bit of a nusance.

Author:  In2ishun [ Sun Jun 10, 2007 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Known issue? Pro server / DP client


I have a friend who will call me and say "Pffftt. Dis-admin!" any time I find an error in the configuration of any of my servers after previously stating the problem was beyond my control. I missed a setting here or set "that" thing up wrong. It's an ongoing joke between us.

Here...again... is another one of those moments were I didn't do due diligence in troubleshooting like I normally do.

The maps were in the wrong !*&%$#^ directory. Please disregard this question and change my nick name to DisAdmin!


Author:  Canadian*Sniper [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Ya it's not a fuhquake/joequake/qrack engine where it needs it's own folder :)

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