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Been away awhile; how many players/best time to play?
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Author:  Killa [ Mon Oct 08, 2007 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Been away awhile; how many players/best time to play?

Many of you may not remember me but used to play for years and years under Killa. I've moved on some time ago and played aorund with various other games; been still playing UT2004 assault... anyways need to find my Quake data files again...

Thought I may jump back into runequake... just wanted to see when everyone plays and how many ppl are still left!


Author:  L3ftisM [ Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey there killa, welcome back. It's nice to see you around again... we could use some good competition.

psssstttt....ignore the whiners, like surfer, scoffer, ihh and spyder. lol

Author:  Killa [ Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well I'm sure I am nothing to fear right now...heh I'll probably frag myself on a few walls for awhile. I'm still looking for my Q1 folder... I'll be playing tonight if I can find it.

So if you see "Killa" back online tonight; trust me I will suck! I dont even remember what half the runes do anymore...heh

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