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 Post subject: Calling SCOFFER "THE CHEAT ACCUSING FOOL" out.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:43 am 

Joined: Fri May 09, 2003 3:39 am
Posts: 32
Its been awhile since Ive posted on any quake forums...As most of you know, Ive been doing the military thing. But I have been playing Quake again the last few months and slowly removing some rust that I have formed in my Quake play.

Anyway, Im sure some of you remember the false & rediculous accusations that Urdead tryed to say about me years ago. And after a few days of publicizising an argument(on with his CLUELESS & ignorant theorys about me using some wierd ass "speed hack" or somehow "cheating".... Fossil eventually told me on a server that he now knows that I do not cheat and finally asked me sincerely for help on him getting better, and I will always think of him differently after that. I do not have a problem with him anymore.

Now I think for *MOST* of us, it is time to put SCOFFER, COMICMAN, as well as a couple others in THEIR place. At this rate, they will always be known as "THE HATED" quake 1 players if it doesnt stop as its getting rediculous.

So SCOFFER, I am calling you out. This has already been mentioned, but you are a known bot user and have been banned for it years ago. How can you accuse others of using bots or cheating after you are a KNOWN cheater yourself and I as well as others you call cheats are NOT?

I am going to tell you the same thing that I told fossil years ago. If you think someone is cheating, then go cry to the admins instead of chatting up the server, harrassing people about cheating, and just plain ruining the game when in reality, YOU ARE WRONG and look like a complete newby ass......especially about me. I would think that the admins would eventually learn that you are a nuisance and nothing more at this point.

As always, I would be more then happy to take a screenshot for anyone at any givin time, take a picture of my quake folder contents, do the ping+ thing during the game to show Im using glpro, or anything else. Hell I would be willing to sit out a game and be OBS if you know you cant beat me or want to try to win a game yourself. All that you have to do, is politely ask instead of make yourself look like a complete clueless and igorant ass & accuse me of cheating when I have never cheated (unlike scoffer) and never will. I have never even thought about it. I love a challenge and I love to learn and get better everytime someone eventually comes along and beats me..... 8)

For the first few years of playing RQ, I always did not win as did all of us. But it was a challenge for me and alot of fun battling it out in runes. With this said, I always did not win and day after day, year after year, you eventually get better with time. Eventually you will learn to kill better, faster, more accurate, faster reaction time, and become more calm and focused when playing. But it takes ALOT of time and perseverance. Practice makes perfect, and that is a fact.

Spotting an actual bot is and always has been sooooo easy to do. It is like night and day. So Scoffer, everytime you accuse someone of using a bot, you are in reality just showing that you are still a newby quake 1 player and still cannot tell the difference? It is sad, but true. The actual and real Mr. T bot has played on shmack a few times now. I have beat him on a full server 2 out of 3 times and its halarious as it pisses him off. Their will never be a bot that is smarter or better then a great quake 1 human player. Afterall Human's created bots............

If you do not move around a map very much, use gas grenades, camp, or try to ambush people all of the time, then you WILL NEVER get better. COMICMAN is a prime example. He stays in one place on a map and 99% of the time, he does not move very far. He only throws gas nades, bfgs, and bombs.....then he goes and hides again in same place. And if someone gets to 50 frags when you guys still have 5 or 10 frags, then you accuse them of cheating or "using hacks" etc.......Bottom line is that it is the most rediculous thing I have ever seen on Quake and YOU GUYS RUIN THE GAME. I as well as others may be able to score 50 frags when you are under 10 frags every map, but it is NOT because we cheat!!!! I am very competitive and love a good challenge. Over the 12+/- years of playing Quake 1(I forget when quake came out as its been so many years...hehe), this characteristic has allowed me to become faster(using my keyboard, mouse, keys, etc....), more accurate, have a faster reaction time..etc... If you cannot accept this fact, then just STFU and go cry to yourself instead of RUIN the Shmack server for us all. Image

Last edited by Guest on Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:42 am 

Joined: Fri May 09, 2003 3:39 am
Posts: 32 I said I havnt posted or read any of the forums for a long time now. I just did a search and this thread that I just created is kind of pointless as there has been numerous threads started about scoffer accusing people of cheating and harrassing people for the last couple years. I guess if it has been going on for this long, that there is no point in publicizing it...... I should have done a search prior to this thread! 8) Image

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:51 pm 

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:16 pm 
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I can see how someone would think there is a cheater if they find a rocket halfway down their throat when they turn a corner, or being juggled by explosion splash damage.

I thought that being called a bot by Scoffer was a representation of a certain level of skill... a goal, as it were at the time. These are skills I learned from runes and other mods, so I don't think of it as a compliment as much. I tend to read messages, unless I'm winning (or maybe not reading allows me to win... hmm...), so when I see Scoffer complaining about a good number of people, I start thinking that the problem is really something else. I mean, over the years, he should have been improving his skill, too, right?

a random mod server:

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:59 pm 
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:07 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:17 am
Posts: 196
i want to add to this discussion that scoffer is a severe problem player, he endlessly harrasses people with chat binds and gets racist with me, calling me a black whore slut etc, and making racial slurs at me. insulting my ethnicity and even my parents (which i do not have, I am an orphan). This is naturally hurtfull for me (but I do attempt to ignore him) but this behaviour should not be tollerated, it is unnacceptable.

slot has been very forgiving in only banning cheaters and bots however, no one has been such a problem player in recent history as much as scoffer.

he completely ruins the game for everyone.
comicman, omicron, surfer girl, yes they are all annoying but not to the magnitude of scoffer. they are human, scoffer is a scumbucket that deserves to be locked away in a dungeon. he is a disgusting animal and he should be omitted from play as he ruins everybody's game.

an exception should be made with him for his ban. he just does not stop, he must get the message he is not wanted on the server.

like quaz says bot calling and cheat calling is one thing, but he goes way further, he gets very personal and racial and he makes me literally sick to my stomach. i did and i do attempt to ignore him, but he just keeps going on and on, as he severely insults/ annoys other players as well and hampers and destroys everybody's enjoyment of the game.

i never posted something like this about someone but something just must be done about it.

thanks for your understanding.
coordially yours,

Last edited by Paradise on Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:29 pm 
King Scoffer

Joined: Fri May 05, 2006 12:09 pm
Posts: 136

what a gay newb....quazy sticks his head in for a second, now hes the Scoffer Bot authority..!!!!!

quazy, you were a known cheat back in the Widomaker cry yourself to sleep and put your head back in your butt where it belongs.

Anyone who comes in to play, dominates and cheats, will accept the wrath of Scoffer. It only affects those who know its all true to them.

The true hated group : quazy, tia (paradise), reborn, magnaturd...etc..

other wannabe haters : tonto, monster, FOQ, saruak, cookie monster...etc..

this quazy guy has shown he true colors here.....and they'll all black and white!!!

0 skills!!!!

btw, I beat paradise today by about 10 kills..... her cheats didn't help her then....

such a sad little quazy....get a life sport.


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:32 pm 
King Scoffer

Joined: Fri May 05, 2006 12:09 pm
Posts: 136
your wrong tia... Ive never ever called you black, or any racial slur to you. you got the wrong person there.

the other fit perfectly.

your weird, and ignorant.

PARADISE said today, she put a curse on me!!!! what an ignorant little person she must be. this is 2007 , not 400 AD. We dont believe in fictional chants, spells, or curses you crazy witch.

your post shows your a liar, dishonest, and dont know what the hell your talking about.

thanks tia. you did more than I ever could


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:36 pm 
King Scoffer

Joined: Fri May 05, 2006 12:09 pm
Posts: 136
and btw tia, if your so upset, try using f10 then Y. It will not only fix all your quake problems, but fix a majority of the problems us other players are having.

you are sooo ignorant, naive, and just plan dumb. I dont care if you cheat till the day the internet ends. but I will always be there, telling you about your sorry self.

again, try not being there, the problem wont bother you anymore.


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:38 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:17 am
Posts: 196
no ur true colors are shown, are u saying everybody that plays dominates and wins cheats?

how was he a known cheat? thats bullshit. u were the known cheat with a bot and got banned for it, plus for ur behaviour on wido.

if u got no evidence then stfu. u throw words around but in fact they have no meaning.

there is no hate club, u do not belong on that server (for the reasons stated above), and me and others will do everything it takes to remove u.

u only won that round because u camped and spammed, which is ok in my book. i dont see anything special about it. however like i told u on the server in a 1on1 match i would never let u do that, i would destroy your camp just like i did millions of times, and u would just curse me out and leave (like the loser that u are). killing other newbs, does not mean beating me, or are u stupid in the head?

i have no problem with that, the server allows camping and spamming, that is besides the point, the point is that u will be dealt with one way or another for your unruly behaviour.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:43 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:17 am
Posts: 196
no i am not going to leave, u are the problem and u will be eliminated.

there is no u and us and the players, u do not belong with the rest of the players, nobody likes u, and u are separate from them.

u can lie all u want, u are lucky i did not take a screenshot of all the racism u spewed. u can use other names and etc, but im sure a glance at the log will reveal that in fact u did use severe racism against me (and possibly others). all that is required is to do a search for nigger, bitch, whore, or slut. u will be the first one that the search shows up. OWNED! liar. just today u said my pussy stinks or other obscenities which are inappropriate for younger players playing this game.

i dont cheat, but i will be here too and if u slip and use racism again u will be sure i will screenshot it.

i wont let u run me off the server, i am way stronger then u and u will be the first one to leave. that just shows ur true intention to destory the player base and make everybody leave the game, something we as a community do not want. u do not enjoy playing the game like others, but u enjoy making people leave and that is why u must be removed. goodbye.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:00 pm 
King Scoffer

Joined: Fri May 05, 2006 12:09 pm
Posts: 136
need a tissue tia???

goodness ..... somebody needs a time out, u think??!!!!

maybe you should start your own quake server, where only cheats can play harrassment free.....

hahahah...take a xanax and be nice.


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:13 pm 

Joined: Fri May 09, 2003 3:39 am
Posts: 32
Scoffer wrote:
your wrong tia... Ive never ever called you black, or any racial slur to you. you got the wrong person there.

I logged onto shmack right after this a few hours ago. Scoffer was wearing his name as "tiacrackwhore" or some shit of that nature when I got there. And I have heard you in the past be racist with her, as well as wear your name using profanity against me and others.... so dont even go there and lie......although I wouldnt expect anything else from you.

The wrath of scoffer? You are at the bottom of the totem poll to be talking like that. :lol: Read your posts that you have written so far in this thread....From the way you act, You remind me of the little creature in Lord of the Rings. What was his name Gollum? Cant remember... :lol:

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:22 pm 

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Image :lol: :lol: :lol:

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:44 pm 
King Scoffer

Joined: Fri May 05, 2006 12:09 pm
Posts: 136
you need to wipe after that dump?

tiacrackwhore...... racial how?

you need more thought games to sharpen that pencil head of yours!!




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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:45 pm 
King Scoffer

Joined: Fri May 05, 2006 12:09 pm
Posts: 136
Quazy wrote:
Image :lol: :lol: :lol:

I had to save this one for myself!!!


p.s. did you use paint, or photoshop ?? I say paint....

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:49 pm 
King Scoffer

Joined: Fri May 05, 2006 12:09 pm
Posts: 136
yall see that too??

paradise, with a pentagram....mmmmmm...

feet getting hot???


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:56 pm 
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Paradise wrote:
i want to add to this discussion that scoffer is a severe problem player, he endlessly harrasses people with chat binds and gets racist with me, calling me a black whore slut etc, and making racial slurs at me. insulting my ethnicity and even my parents (which i do not have, I am an orphan). This is naturally hurtfull for me (but I do attempt to ignore him) but this behaviour should not be tollerated, it is unnacceptable.

When players tend to get too personal against me I just leave the server and second guess about coming back to it. It's nothing anyone can solve since there's no public mute function for specific players. But I'm sure if you had a demo showing the racist attacks, the admin would do something about it. Like a warning, kick, or ban.


edit: A screenshot wouldn't be good enough proof. Make a demo.

Another thing, I'd like to see evidence showing scoffer using a bot :) Word of mouth isn't enough for me.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:03 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:17 am
Posts: 196
I respect your way of dealing with it, but actually that is what they want to accomplish, make u leave. They won in some way as they got their way and u left, and have doubts of coming back.

That is exactly what he is doing, and u said it urself, u have doubts about coming back, thus if he does that to other people they might feel the same way and leave the server, thus players are lost. This must not happen and be eliminated to prolong the game we love. Thanks for your support everybody.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:16 pm 
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Paradise wrote:
I respect your way of dealing with it, but actually that is what they want to accomplish, make u leave. They won in some way as they got their way and u left, and have doubts of coming back.

That is exactly what he is doing, and u said it urself, u have doubts about coming back, thus if he does that to other people they might feel the same way and leave the server, thus players are lost. This must be eliminated. Thanks for your support everybody.

Right but it means nothing to me on what those people think and I win the battle by not having to deal with it. Smack coming at me over the internet is like hitting a boring, uninterested brick wall because I really really really really don't give a rats ass about anyone over the internet. While I do like to keep good relations with people over the internet, it won't affect me at all when one of those people becomes a flamer or some stranger starts attacking me with words.

It's like that saying, sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me. I'm a pure example of that. Like when you told Gunter I was a newb last night. pfffft who hasn't called me a newb? In fact who hasn't been called a newb EVER? :P

As for me leaving the server, the only server I permanently left was Rage but that's for admin abuse reason, not slander. But switching to another server is a nicer option than sticking on one where some newb is whoring up for your attention.

If you see me online, say Hi :)

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