Mac ProQuake 3.51 (OS X universal binary)
Download: Mac ProQuake 3.51 - 1.7 MB
Changes3.51 - (
source here)
MaxEdicts raised to 2048 (JoeQuake equivalent); should be able to play every map FitzQuake or JoeQuake can play, like Travail, Lunsp1, etc.
Freelook cvar; freelook 1 turns mouse look on permanently. Removed Fruitz of Dojo +mlook hack.
cmdlist and cvarlist commands added.
r_truegunangle 0/1 added; set to 1 for DarkPlaces/FitzQuake rendering of weapon
Framerate now properly set by pq_maxfps; you can exceed 72 fps turning vsync off in Menu > Options > Video Options in GL ProQuake 3.51
Trivial stuff: give armor command (give a 200), viewpos command, tracepos command, explicitly set god/noclip/fly, startdemos clears demo play queue.
What's this startdemos thing?
Make your commandline +startdemos and you'll just start to console.
No demos will play because +startdemos clears the queue. This does work in Windows ProQuake 3.99 as well.
Mac ProQuake will rapidly be upgraded to mirror almost every ProQuake 3.99 feature. Probably several updates in the next 24 hours, previously I wanted to do this in a single pass but couldn't quite manage decent quality control doing it that way.