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 Post subject: ProQuake 3.99x (Windows + OS X) [q_version fix]
PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:53 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
Posts: 1612
Location: Ohio
New version 3.99x

Windows: :arrow: ProQuake 3.99x - 0.8 MB

There is also a Mac version.

Mac OS X: :arrow: ProQuake 3.99x - 1.8 MB


q_version exploit has been fixed. Can no longer be spammed or exploited.
fullbright texture support (off by default). No, this isn't a cheat (see pic below).

Custom crosshair capability using (crosshair 2 thru 6, crosshaircolor, crosshairsize and crosshairalpha). They don't save to config right now and it isn't officially supported yet (I want to make it simple and address multiple resolutions properly).

A few other changes/fixes. Nothing really to get excited about. Some very basic fog support which needs more work (type gl_fogenable 1 in the console). Connects to port 26000 by default if the port isn't specified. Small bug fixes. Boring stuff that is important in it's own right.


This version does NOT have the experimental server browser and map download. That special version was marked experimental and the feature will return (permanently) in the future after I take time to do it the "correct" way.


Source code is available here. For now, the Mac source code is a separate download and that is here. Both source codes should probably be fully integrated in the next one, I have to look and examine some mouse, keyboard, menu items. :arrow2:

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 Post subject: Re: ProQuake 3.99x (Windows + OS X) [q_version fix]
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:26 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:36 am
Posts: 28
Thanks for the update Baker! I am trying it out and hope it will make a difference in what is going on with my game play. I still have those same issues I posted before and after playing 3.99 for just a few minutes….I don’t see much change. It may be the way Quake is and everyone has these same problems, but the only thing is, I still see the same player win time and time again. The issues I have are when game play feels correct, I can aim and shoot the opponent at the location I see him at and for the most part get a kill. I know when a player is good and I am getting my ass kicked. The problem I have is when the game play is like mentioned above then all of a sudden there will be one of the players that win every time join the game and I have to aim way off to the side of where my opponent appears to be in order to get the kill. Not just the player that just joined the game that always wins, but the same opponents I had been fighting before he joined and it’s always a guess as to which way I expect them to move in order to get the kill. Not only does the aim change…it appears they can move faster than others. I will ride then to see if they have athletic ruin, but they don’t. My main issue with this is trying to find a solution….if there is one and if it is on my end. My ping is always around 60 and when someone like Icobob Crain has a ping of 30….I understand he will not be where he appears to be, but some of these guys that seem to make the game play change have the same ping as me and some have a ping of 130 or higher and they seem to move faster than me! I have tried the PQ_MAXFPS in the command line to many different numerals, but it doesn’t make any difference. In most games I can score 3rd and sometimes win, but when this stuff happens, I do good to get a score or 4 or 7 before the winner gets 50. Then on the other side of this…there are times my play is so easy, I can get kills with out aiming and move through the level quick and easy and not get hung on doors and wall edges like it does when I have the issues explained above.

Thanks for your work Baker,

PS Hey Cat guess what?

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 Post subject: Re: ProQuake 3.99x (Windows + OS X) [q_version fix]
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:42 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
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Necronomicon wrote:
Thanks for the update Baker! I am trying it out and hope it will make a difference in what is going on with my game play. I still have those same issues I posted before and after playing 3.99 for just a few minutes….I don’t see much change.

The Mac or Windows version? I ask because I know you have both.[/quote]

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 Post subject: Re: ProQuake 3.99x (Windows + OS X) [q_version fix]
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:02 am 
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Mac OS-X pre Intel dual 2.5 GHZ with 2-30 inch monitors w/GeForce 6800 Ultra 256. At times I think it could be having the large monitors, but it seems like it would do it all the time. After my last post I played for a while and it played like it should. Ichabod Crane was playing and he still kicked my ass, but there was only a 4 point difference. I was playing later and when Dust joined, I could see a difference in game play. My movements change to where I get stuck going around corners and sometimes weapons wont fire and hook sticks. It's like there's a gravity ball out all the time and I have ruin of flight. My movements real sluggish. Again....this may be something everyone deals with and if be it, but if there is something I can change in my settings to fix it, that would help. I have said some of these thing while playing and other players say it happens to them or they say there are bots playing and it kills the server, but I don't know if they know what they are talking about. There's always someone on bitchin about players using cheats and aim assist, but when they direct it toward me, I know there full of it!


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 Post subject: Re: ProQuake 3.99x (Windows + OS X) [q_version fix]
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:46 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
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Necronomicon wrote:
Mac OS-X pre Intel dual 2.5 GHZ with 2-30 inch monitors w/GeForce 6800 Ultra 256. At times I think it could be having the large monitors, but it seems like it would do it all the time. After my last post I played for a while and it played like it should. Ichabod Crane was playing and he still kicked my ass, but there was only a 4 point difference. I was playing later and when Dust joined, I could see a difference in game play. My movements change to where I get stuck going around corners and sometimes weapons wont fire and hook sticks. It's like there's a gravity ball out all the time and I have ruin of flight. My movements real sluggish. Again....this may be something everyone deals with and if be it, but if there is something I can change in my settings to fix it, that would help. I have said some of these thing while playing and other players say it happens to them or they say there are bots playing and it kills the server, but I don't know if they know what they are talking about. There's always someone on bitchin about players using cheats and aim assist, but when they direct it toward me, I know there full of it!


What screen resolution are you using on these 30 inch monitors?

I ask because that can make a big difference.

I have a Mac Mini (Intel, OS X 10.5.2, 1.83 Ghz, uses an Intel integrated graphics controller = much lower graphics performance than yours) and I don't get any sluggishness during heavy action when I've used it to play @ shmack. I'm using 640x480 fullscreen when I play, though.

I have a Vista widescreen notebook and if I run Quake at 1440x900 resolution, I get maybe 40 frames per second on the low side. If I instead use 640x400 fullscreen resolution, I get 200 frames per second.

The more pixels, the lower framerate.

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 Post subject: Re: ProQuake 3.99x (Windows + OS X) [q_version fix]
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:19 pm 
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Right now I'm running at 1344x1008, but have tried many different settings. I will try a lower setting on the new Q1 update.


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 Post subject: Re: ProQuake 3.99x (Windows + OS X) [q_version fix]
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:24 pm 

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Type pq_drawfps 1 in the console to see your frame rate.

Optional: you can do vid_vsync 0 to turn off vertical sync. This results in higher framerates and in my opinion better aiming particularly with the lightning gun (**) The downside is that you can see "tearing", artifacts where the screen is not fully updated. On my CRT display, I don't see any of this nor my laptop's display, but on some flatscreens this can be particularly noticeable. The default setting with vertical sync is 1.

Type pq_maxfps to set your upper fps limit. One good method is to set this to 999 and play a little and then set pq_maxfps to the average number you usually get. (If you use vid_vsync 1 (vertical sync on), this isn't going to exceed the vertical refresh rate of your display mode).

It doesn't really matter what fps you get as long you are easily getting around 150 with vid_vsync 0 (even if you use vid_vsync) because this means the rendering is occurring adequately fast.

** = [because in Quake mouse reading is done every frame, the higher the framerate the more you can control the mouse and therefore it is a just little easier to keep the crosshair on someone who is moving which is super important with the lightning gun.]

edit = added all-important "1" to the post

Last edited by Baker on Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: ProQuake 3.99x (Windows + OS X) [q_version fix]
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:23 pm 
King Scoffer

Joined: Fri May 05, 2006 12:09 pm
Posts: 136
I think what Necro is saying has alot to do with people cheating. No fix is gonna stop that. People using wall hacks, speed hacks. aim hacks...this makes most players game drop when they enter the game. Necro isnt the only one effected like this. Many people are.

For example: There was a player on tonight named WAT. Obvious wall hack, and auto aimer. Moving much faster than eveyone else. Even toyo_mr2 couldnt keep up with this cheater at all. As soon as he left, the game got much better physically. But unfortuantely, everyone had left by then.

but like I said, this will never be "fixed" here....

thats why theres XboxLive.....the cheating is alot better controlled there...

King Scoffer

Yeaaaahhhhhhhh Boooooyyyyyy!

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 Post subject: Re: ProQuake 3.99x (Windows + OS X) [q_version fix]
PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:33 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:36 am
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I posted this info last night, but it is not showing up in the it may now show up twice.

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 Post subject: Re: ProQuake 3.99x (Windows + OS X) [q_version fix]
PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:53 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2003 10:47 pm
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Yeah, last night I posted a response to that.

I meant to say "pq_drawfps 1" will display your frames per second on screen. I've edited the post to include the very important "1".

/Btw, show_speed 1 will display the speed you are moving.

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 Post subject: Re: ProQuake 3.99x (Windows + OS X) [q_version fix]
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:45 am 
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Joined: Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:36 am
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thanks Baker. I will try a few thing and see if it helps. Also, is there a way to use QRake or any of the better graphic engines on a Mac?

By the way Scoff...I think the person you are talking about is slugnut! It's wild to watch this guy...he knows all the tricks! How he gets in the walls is a trip.

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 Post subject: Re: ProQuake 3.99x (Windows + OS X) [q_version fix]
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 1:53 pm 

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Necronomicon wrote:
is there a way to use QRake or any of the better graphic engines on a Mac?

Qrack no. But you there is a mac build of DarkPlaces.

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 Post subject: Re: ProQuake 3.99x (Windows + OS X) [q_version fix]
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:12 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:36 am
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Thanks Baker...I tried it out and it worked great for a while. There was only 2 or 3 of us playing on shmack. I went back when there was 6 or 7 and it disconnects as soon as I join. I can join with the GL version and play without disconnect. Not sure whats up!

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 Post subject: Re: ProQuake 3.99x (Windows + OS X) [q_version fix]
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:19 pm 

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Necronomicon wrote:
Thanks Baker...I tried it out and it worked great for a while. There was only 2 or 3 of us playing on shmack. I went back when there was 6 or 7 and it disconnects as soon as I join. I can join with the GL version and play without disconnect. Not sure whats up!

I don't know too much about the Mac version of DarkPlaces. I know it can do single player, but I always use ProQuake to play online.

I know a few people use DarkPlaces on Windows to play at Shmack, I can think of 6 or 7 players and I don't believe the Windows version has any issues.

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