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Bot / Cheater name calling
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Author:  Killa [ Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Bot / Cheater name calling

Yes I've been accused of being a bot for years... cheater... toggle ...etc

How can I put an end to these claims? I have NEVER used a bot; I do not use hacked pak files and no I cannot see under water. Yes I win most of the time but not always-- there are a lot of great players out there and they are also accused of being a bot and cheating.

I fire a lot of "predictive" shots especially on DM6. Its quite easy actually - I LISTEN!!. For example: I hear a quick pickup of LG ammo (the two boxes up top by the stairs) I fire a shot before you come around the corner. It's not cheating-- if you dont want me to know where you are and dont need the ammo.. then walk around the boxes!

If I hear you pick up mega health - my magic skills tells me to wait outside a warp and kill you. If I hear the door open to the LG pit. I will wait down the hall and kill you as you warp out. If I hear you pick up a mega armor (stereo speakers help) I can tell which of the two mega armors you are at.

You get the point-- the game is alot about knowing the maps but also what sounds to listen for (double ammo pickups... weapons or doors opening) Its just prediction.

Also a tip for EVERYONE: When coming to a corner- DONT throw your grapple to the far wall. It gives the person an obvious target as you come around) Throw the grapple to wall edge (before the corner) That way nobody gets a "lead" shot on you. I can't tell you how many kills I get on a map because of this!

Feel free to record demos of me (I know I see alot of "rider acquired") Thats fine but I'm human just like the rest of you.

Author:  Zop [ Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bot / Cheater name calling

I agree.

Author:  Slot Zero [ Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bot / Cheater name calling

Killa wrote:
I've been accused of being a bot for years. [..] How can I put an end to these claims?

You pick any game today and you're bound to run into someone accusing someone else of cheating. There will always be people out there incapable of understanding how others play so well. Personally I shrug them off, maybe even go out of my way to time my shots so they look even more like a bot, but that's just me. However, if after a few games I see that I am dominating the server, say a 30+ frag lead each level, I will usually be respectful and observe or quit for a while.

Short of banning everyone accusing non-cheaters of cheating, there is really nothing you can do to eliminate the name calling.

Author:  smokey [ Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bot / Cheater name calling

IHOC had a handicap where you would be constantly taking 1/2 damage while the command was enabled, perhaps this could be implemented when a veteran is on the server(me obv.) with some terribads(scoffer, surfer girl etc.) maybe help even out the playing field

Author:  Zop [ Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bot / Cheater name calling

I thought it was that the veteran took double damage when using the command? That way, everyone doesn't go ahead and enable their half damage.

Author:  smokey [ Sat Jan 21, 2012 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bot / Cheater name calling

yes plz inverse my previous fraction for comprehension.
zop: Gross.

Author:  DeeKillah [ Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bot / Cheater name calling

there can be only one!!! :)

ps. hi

Author:  syluxman2803 [ Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bot / Cheater name calling


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