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A quick howdy and For Ol' Time sake
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Author:  Quake_Nekkid [ Sat Mar 08, 2014 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  A quick howdy and For Ol' Time sake

March 8, 2014

I have been back to playing Q for about 4 months now. Interesting how it has gone in cycles for me. I started playing in the late 90's in grad school, using the University of Colorado's 28.8 "free" bandwidth. Pings of .250 were the norm. I initially learned (and was spanked pretty well) on B-sessions server, I believe Gooland back then...and any popular rune servers I could find. I used to be able to search active servers using a Gamespy app which browsed them and allowed me "click" and connect. Then jobs/ life took over and I didn't play again until about 2006, when I frequented Singed. My recollection is that Diazoild ran that server... and he and I were pretty well matched players... I had DSL at that time. And now I have found Slot's site. I ran through the member names as I signed up, thinking that I MUST have joined before, I was a member of quakeone since about 2006 or 2007...but somehow missed this site. It would be an honor to help contribute to the financing of this site. I am interested to see when fundraising kicks off, again.

It was good to see some familiar (old) names... Toyo_MR2; Diazoild; Monster; Govt_mule; Sircamps; Paradise; Necro.

On an older computer I have a photo of a bunch of us standing next to each other on a Saturday night, probably on the "start" map. Ill have to see if that is something I can post.

On Q, I love runes; I like some friendly humor and taunts; I like helping people with technical questions; I do like the smaller maps, but realize sometimes too much of the same gets boring.

Good to be back; and thanks everyone for the help getting my old ID1 files dusted off and running again!

Scott in Colorado (Nekkid)
If you see me STREAKIN' don't start FREAKIN'

Author:  Zop [ Sun Mar 09, 2014 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A quick howdy and For Ol' Time sake

Welcome! You can type into the quake console "ping +220" to get that old school feeling... but I wouldn't recomend it.

Author:  IHATEHUMANS [ Wed May 14, 2014 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A quick howdy and For Ol' Time sake




Author:  Killa [ Thu May 15, 2014 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A quick howdy and For Ol' Time sake

Quake_Nekkid wrote:
March 8, 2014

I have been back to playing Q for about 4 months now. Interesting how it has gone in cycles for me. I started playing in the late 90's in grad school, using the University of Colorado's 28.8 "free" bandwidth. Pings of .250 were the norm. I initially learned (and was spanked pretty well) on B-sessions server, I believe Gooland back then...and any popular rune servers I could find. I used to be able to search active servers using a Gamespy app which browsed them and allowed me "click" and connect. Then jobs/ life took over and I didn't play again until about 2006, when I frequented Singed. My recollection is that Diazoild ran that server... and he and I were pretty well matched players... I had DSL at that time. And now I have found Slot's site. I ran through the member names as I signed up, thinking that I MUST have joined before, I was a member of quakeone since about 2006 or 2007...but somehow missed this site. It would be an honor to help contribute to the financing of this site. I am interested to see when fundraising kicks off, again.

It was good to see some familiar (old) names... Toyo_MR2; Diazoild; Monster; Govt_mule; Sircamps; Paradise; Necro.

On an older computer I have a photo of a bunch of us standing next to each other on a Saturday night, probably on the "start" map. Ill have to see if that is something I can post.

On Q, I love runes; I like some friendly humor and taunts; I like helping people with technical questions; I do like the smaller maps, but realize sometimes too much of the same gets boring.

Good to be back; and thanks everyone for the help getting my old ID1 files dusted off and running again!

Scott in Colorado (Nekkid)
If you see me STREAKIN' don't start FREAKIN'

Yeah I played since q1test but always have been "Killa" In a few clans here and there otherwise. Played pretty heavy from 1996-2002 (Then got into Return to Castle Wolfenstein) played only once a month from 2004 then not at all from 2005-2009. Started playing every other weekend late 2009 and now play every day again.

Quake for me is like checkers/chess to others. Seems to never lose its fun and easy to get in.. play a map then leave. Other games you get glued to and never can leave... I just have a short attention span I guess.

Author:  5AB0TAG3 [ Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A quick howdy and For Ol' Time sake

I found this old photo of Diazoild pissing in a corner on Singed. Those were great times.

Author:  Scoffer [ Fri Feb 20, 2015 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A quick howdy and For Ol' Time sake

what, no mention of me???

quake isn't quake without me in the middle....


Author:  Quake_Nekkid [ Sat Feb 21, 2015 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A quick howdy and For Ol' Time sake

I actually *JUST* mentioned you the other night on the server. You need to come out and frag! We have had some nice, busy evenings lately.

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