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Author:  mindzx [ Wed May 27, 2015 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  weapon-toggles

weapon-toggle , remember that shit mindz. I even did that "mark this post" thing and can't seem to find it.

Am I the only one who uses this thing?


edit+EDIT : WEAPON-TOGGLES : I need to tattoo that in my palm so I can just cheat sheet that shit 4 life

Author:  Zop [ Fri May 29, 2015 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: weapon-toggles

I think you can add it to you autoexec, but as an alias. Runequake will have a connecting player run an alias called "init" a couple seconds after connecting, so if you define what "init" does preemptively in the autoexec:

alias init weapon-toggles

Author:  mindzx [ Sun Jun 07, 2015 12:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: weapon-toggles



alias init "weapon-toggles;bind r rune-delete;bind space +hook"

would work?

Author:  Painkiller [ Sun Jun 07, 2015 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: weapon-toggles

mindzx wrote:
alias init "weapon-toggles;bind r rune-delete;bind space +hook"
would work?
You can't stack commands. There is, however, a nifty-keen RuneQuake wait thingy called "w5" that you can try adding to it. Dunno if it'll work as you hope but give it a try:
alias init hud-toggle;w5;weapon-toggles;

Author:  mindzx [ Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: weapon-toggles

I did

alias init weapon-toggles;bind r rune-delete;bind space +hook

connected and everything worked!!

I do not know what you meant by stack commands.

Thanks to everyone though, I will no longer have to manually enter in those 3 things when I show up to shmack :D

Author:  Slot Zero [ Tue Jun 30, 2015 6:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: weapon-toggles

What he means is that if you try and perform several server side commands without using multiple 'wait's, only the most recent command will work.


alias init "weapon-toggles;show-players;show-riders"

The above will more than likely only result in one of the server commands being performed as only 1 command can be processed each tick. The alias 'w5', combines 5 waits, which will allow the server enough time to process the next command.

alias init "weapon-toggles;w5;show-players;w5;show-riders"

Since your alias contains 1 server command and the rest client side commands, you won't run into that problem.

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