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 Post subject: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 3:48 pm 

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Slot, Killa

Please explain to people like EzJack how ping works in relation to networks. Both EzJack and I ping around 50 to Shmack. He keep insists that I ping up further past 50 to like 80-100 because I am “too fast” and “ I ruin the game.” He thinks I am not considerate like Killa because I don’t ping up further.

Killa pings 15 normally…15!!!!!!!!!! So he pings up to 40-50 to match me and others.

EzJack, Hypno, and !H all do not understand this. They have it in their mind I ruin their game and there is no other way around it.

I just show up and play I don’t talk trash and I don’t start shit. I do however respond after there constant bullying.

Please for the love of god can someone educate these people on how it works. They’re talking about trying to have a vote to ban me because they don’t like me beating them game after game. I don’t cheat I don’t talk shit I just play and I can’t get a fair shake with these people who are supposed to be grown adults, some grandparents yet their acting like petty teenagers still.


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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 4:11 pm 

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EzJack, Hypno, !H, TrueGrave think just because they make a donation to keeping the servers running that they can just go around bully people because their not getting their desired outcome in game. One of their clique, the “usuals” doesn’t win they throw a hissy fit. If the game is a blow out they throw a hissy fit. If someone wins game after game they throw a hissy fit.

I don’t think they should be allowed to bully people just because they’re not winning a game where the object is to have a single winner. Am I just supposed to stop trying and let them win to help their ego’s?

I am not trying to be mean, I just want to play that’s all without the bullying.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 4:16 pm 
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I don't know the situation but generally speaking if I am dominating the server by say at least 30 frags, I might play a max of 3 games then leave or observe, unless someone else shows up and narrows the frag gap. I do this as a courtesy because if you're winning 3 games in a row with such a large frag margin you're probably outclassed, in addition a lot of people will actually leave anyway if you persist. Another thing I might do is drop a really good rune after some time if I see that it's completely obliterating the players.

If someone is calling you out and talking smack, it's understandable how it might be more entertaining to just stay and be annoying but in this ever shrinking community maybe a few concessions need to be had.

Slot Zero

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 5:48 pm 

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Slot Zero wrote:
I don't know the situation but generally speaking if I am dominating the server by say at least 30 frags, I might play a max of 3 games then leave or observe, unless someone else shows up and narrows the frag gap. I do this as a courtesy because if you're winning 3 games in a row with such a large frag margin you're probably outclassed, in addition a lot of people will actually leave anyway if you persist. Another thing I might do is drop a really good rune after some time if I see that it's completely obliterating the players.

If someone is calling you out and talking smack, it's understandable how it might be more entertaining to just stay and be annoying but in this ever shrinking community maybe a few concessions need to be had.

The situation is this:

I show up and play. EzJack can’t stand losing and only likes when him and his small clique of Hypno, !h, Trugrave, Sarah, and ichibod crane compete and have equal chance. I shouldn’t have to leave the server or get kicked/banned just because I win.

Plain and simple because EzJack supposedly makes donations he thinks he can dictate what happens on the server and who can play there. Isn’t it part of the game to compete and try to frag? You don’t see a competition exclude people just because they’re better. I’m sorry his soft ego can’t stand losing.

I don’t antagonize or cause problems, I stick up for myself after they bully me. I should not be faulted for trying to voice up against this oppression.

Just because you give concessions and sit a few games doesn’t mean everyone has to. Why are we catering to soft egos. It’s a game, you can’t control every aspect of the game. If you ever view your server logs you will see the nonsense that comes out of EzJacks mouth on a daily basis for the simple fact that I am present. It’s absolutely redicoulous. I’m sorry he lives a sheltered and cottled life where everyone bends to his will. But this is the real world.

I’m not causing problems, I’m not going haha I’m better than you or any of that. I do not start the problems nor do I look for them. I shouldn’t have a problem with someone simply by showing up and playing.

If I want to sit there and play 3 or 50 games that should not matter. Please also take some time to consider your words as EzJack eats them up and twist to interpret to meet his objective. Your very mention of “3 games” has him now trying to say I should only play max 3 games and go on my way.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 5:54 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:52 am
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Slot Zero wrote:
Another thing I might do is drop a really good rune after some time if I see that it's completely obliterating the players.

To further add I constantly drop runes, I move around the map, I don’t camp, and I don’t spam something they all frequently do.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 6:01 pm 

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Slot Zero wrote:
If someone is calling you out and talking smack, it's understandable how it might be more entertaining to just stay and be annoying but in this ever shrinking community maybe a few concessions need to be had.

I am just playing, I am not trying to be annoying by staying. I stay to play. Plain and simple. As you said community is small and shrinking. Not many people to play. I shouldn’t be asked not to play because the clique doesn’t like losing repeatedly.

It’s absolutely only about playing quake that’s it.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 1:32 am 
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They want a handicap to get a chance to win. There really isn't another objective handicap available (unlike stuff Slot is saying), so that's probably why they say to ping up specifically. Maybe slot could add personal handicap settings like not allowing hook or good runes, or limited ammo, or 10% more damage dealt to you, etc.

a random mod server:

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 9:36 am 

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Zop wrote:
They want a handicap to get a chance to win. There really isn't another objective handicap available (unlike stuff Slot is saying), so that's probably why they say to ping up specifically. Maybe slot could add personal handicap settings like not allowing hook or good runes, or limited ammo, or 10% more damage dealt to you, etc.

Do you hear yourselves? They want / need a handicap? Come on…

We are really going to change things to satisfy a few people. I get beat on a daily basis by other players some who also come to shmack and dominate and not a word gets said to them.

Jesus a handicap? That ruins the game. If you can’t play normal and competing upsets you, don’t play. We shouldn’t have to make all these rules and concessions to satisfy a few sub par players.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 9:41 am 

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Zop wrote:
They want a handicap to get a chance to win. There really isn't another objective handicap available (unlike stuff Slot is saying), so that's probably why they say to ping up specifically. Maybe slot could add personal handicap settings like not allowing hook or good runes, or limited ammo, or 10% more damage dealt to you, etc.

Why can’t everyone compete on same level without any handicaps? I shouldn’t be punished because I’m slightly better/faster? To raise my ping well above what everyone else pings doesn’t make sense. Pinging up was designed to even out pings not to create a handicap as you and EzJack seem to think.

Again the only person EVER that pings up on Shmack is Killa and that’s because without pinging up he has a 15 ping to Shmack. He pings up to 40-50 to match ME that also has a 40-50 ping. Same with EzJack he has a 40-50 ping. Things are all even except I’m a slightly better player. So handicap the better player to appease people who can’t play the game correct? They spam and camp and set traps and wait and wonder why they are not seeing the frag count they think they should have.

This isn’t preschool everyone gets a trophy. We are supposed to be grown adults here. Most of these people are 10+ years my senior and yet they’re acting like their 15 year old teenagers again. Raging and crying.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 11:35 am 
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I understand exactly what you're saying, but I also understand the desires of the other players. Your attitude seems to be "fuck them, I want what I want-- now deal with it!" and then you complain that they complain about you. Again, I get it, you want to come on and just play without any issues. But people are voicing concern that it's not fun and you are forcing them to leave. So on that basis, your argument not to sit out a few rounds kind of doesn't make sense because when everybody leaves you are essentially forced to sit out. I'm not telling you how to play or even forcing you not to, I'm simply pointing out how others feel while understanding your feelings.

I don't know what the solution is to please everyone. All that I ask is your take into consideration the communities concerns and perhaps make a few compromises even if you don't feel you should have to. And yes, perhaps some of us are 10 years your senior, so you wouldn't expect us to compete on the same level now would you? :) As for attitude, I agree, perhaps if people approached you in a more polite manner it might make a difference, but if you disregard genuine appeal it's easy to see how things can escalate.

Here is ultimately what can happen. As there are multiple servers set up, those of you can switch to a new server. If you're being followed, declare you moved to get away from that person. If the person refuses, go back to the main server. If this continues, I will consider that a form of harassment and ban the player. Let's hope it doesn't get to this point.

Slot Zero

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 1:02 pm 

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Slot Zero wrote:

I understand exactly what you're saying, but I also understand the desires of the other players. Your attitude seems to be "fuck them, I want what I want-- now deal with it!" and then you complain that they complain about you. Again, I get it, you want to come on and just play without any issues. But people are voicing concern that it's not fun and you are forcing them to leave. So on that basis, your argument not to sit out a few rounds kind of doesn't make sense because when everybody leaves you are essentially forced to sit out. I'm not telling you how to play or even forcing you not to, I'm simply pointing out how others feel while understanding your feelings.

I don't know what the solution is to please everyone. All that I ask is your take into consideration the communities concerns and perhaps make a few compromises even if you don't feel you should have to. And yes, perhaps some of us are 10 years your senior, so you wouldn't expect us to compete on the same level now would you? :) As for attitude, I agree, perhaps if people approached you in a more polite manner it might make a difference, but if you disregard genuine appeal it's easy to see how things can escalate.

Here is ultimately what can happen. As there are multiple servers set up, those of you can switch to a new server. If you're being followed, declare you moved to get away from that person. If the person refuses, go back to the main server. If this continues, I will consider that a form of harassment and ban the player. Let's hope it doesn't get to this point.

Their concern is they can’t win, I’m not doing anything to impede them from winning. I am just playing. So their concern of not winning is heeded and we are just going to make it easy for them to win? That doesn’t seem like much competition. This is absolutely ridiculous.

Nor did I at anytime say I want what I want fuck you, so please re read what I wrote and don’t perpetuate inaccuracies. You’re catering and caving to adult babies at this point. Their asking me not to play because they lose to me that’s absolute craziness. No where else on any quake 1 server would someone be punished for being better. I don’t ask other people to leave a server just because I lose match after match day after day. Most people would scoff and laugh at what you guys are trying to make a case for.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 2:04 pm 

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Slot Zero wrote:
you are forcing them to leave.

I absolutely am not forcing them to leave. They are rage quitting.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 2:45 pm 

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It’s pretty much EzJack. He even said it himself he gets annoyed. I don’t even have to say a peep. He’s the one that gets the people going and always goes on these in server tirades.

Frenzy who is a much better player then I who constantly beats me daily, plays there they don’t say a peep. Including EzJack. He beats them by 20-30 frags not a word said. He plays multiple rounds. EzJack personally has an issue with me and always has. He’s letting his personal feelings get in the way of quake games. He would rather spend time sending hate and bully speeches in game then play.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 8:25 pm 

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Honestly slot Zero, if you look through these forums you have a history of defending these players and all their wild accusations and requests. I get it they’re your loyal users, they donate to server they play only your mod, rune quake. I get that you feel a necessity to stand up and defend them. But I mean when will enough be enough and common sense shine through.

I’ve been playing rune quake and apart of this community just as long as if not longer then some. I joined here in 2006. I play at other servers. I prefer CTF honestly and play that at night when other people who are not retired are home and off work/family duty. I get it I ruffle the senior citizens feathers. I’m 40, I got to imagine some of these people including yourself are 50-60+. (If not I apologize) But I’ve brought this up to several net quake players and brought attention to this thread. Most can’t believe what’s happening and being said.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 2:46 pm 
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Let's say we go with the premise that they are adult babies. Is the adult thing to do complain about them and just ignore their cries? I don't see the harm in offering a little courtesy to players who aren't as good as you. Are they rage quitting? Let's say they are but the result is the same-- an empty server. When I was an active player, if I played a few games where I would not even die and the frag count would be 30+, I knew it was time for me to sit out. If I didn't, players would start to drop left and right and I would be alone. Did I still want to play? Of course, but I was willing sacrifice my play time to let others get some enjoyment in so the server could be active.

Do the people who donate influence my decisions when it comes to the server? Yes, it absolutely they do because without their support this server is gone. There are some things I am firm on, but most other things I'm happy to do whatever the community wants.

If there are other players who agree with you, then by all means invite them to the server and play. I have multiple servers that can be configured just like the main via voting, and if that's too much trouble I can setup another server with the exact same settings as main. I'm not sure what else I can do to make everyone happy, it looks as though someone is going to be upset by whatever action I take.

Also, on an unrelated note, if anyone can't log in or wants to join the forum just e-mail me and I can get an account created or updated. I'm forced to leave registration closed because of registration spam bots.

Slot Zero

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 5:50 pm 

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Your asking what the adult thing to do is? How about using their words like adults. You can’t talk to any of these people. So what they are getting back now is a direct reflection of what they give to me. I’m not going to bother after this because it’s obvious this is falling on deaf ears.

“When you were active player and played, they dropped left and right.” … So they have been acting like babies since the servers inception. Seriously “I don’t get my way, I’m going to quit” That’s basically what they’re doing. I’m happy for you that you gave into their desires to keep them around and happy by sitting for a few rounds but that’s not a requirement.

People playing with keyboard only still and wondering why their slow?

IDK, I’ve tried to appeal to your sensible side but I guess we are all going to continue to live in fantasy world to protect a few soft egos. I get it, you to side with and stick up for the people that fill your coffers. I came here to express what’s going on because I thought that would be an adult thing to do. I’m not complaining just stating facts. If you bother to look over your server logs for the last 2 months you will exactly what I am talking about. Not everyone quits, there’s a few people in the bunch that seem squeal the loudest.

Also I tried emailing you but you seem to ignore those. Whatever you do, I ask that it be fair. If you want to ban me then I also ask you to ban the people that started the shit with me as well. That’s fair.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 2:01 am 
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All I did was offer you some suggestions and explain why some people might be upset when you dominate the server. I never once said you must play a certain way or else. I don't ban people for playing on the server.

I didn't see a reason to respond to e-mails since you posted on the forums and I would rather have this discourse in public than in private since it involves other members of the community who can chime in with their thoughts.

Slot Zero

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 8:29 am 
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Edit: These are just some abstract thoughts - please feel free to ignore them - I won't be offended :)

Unfortunately, as has been the case with some other servers, these days when players tend to continually dominate the server it often doesn't end well in the long term for the players and by extension the server. I can understand it, on the one hand it's nice to battle through and win a fair and equally balanced fight, and on the other hand from the average player's point of view the fun of exploding every few seconds and not really being able to engage in the game as much as they would like wears off pretty quickly. The end result is usually an empty server. There have been numerous ocassions on Shmack when, lets call them PlayerX with a reputation as a formidable opponent, joins the server with 5 or 6 players blasting each other to bits, only to find that the server empties like someone has set off the fire alarm. That seems to be the reality these days, I'm not saying its right/wrong, everyone has their own reasons, but utter domination = empty server, so what can/should we do?

If the player pool was bigger you could have one server for ultra competitive players and one for more sporting play. Unfortunately the player numbers don't seem to support this as a viable option.

I'm not suggesting for one second that you have do this, but what a number of very skilled netquake players in europe tend to do to avoid this is very quickly asses the opponents skill level and play to that level. For them I think its fair to say it got a bit tiresome winning 50-7 against players who were unable to provide anything resembling a challenge only to find they leave after just a few frags. Players like Polarite, Peg, Sir Henry, Plop, Dude, and others found that this encouraged lesser skilled opponents to remain on the server and thus improve their skill level, which in turn meant that they became better opponents who could give the better "Grand Masters" more opportunity to play and provide more competition. A little sportsmanshp can go a long way :) . Yes we're not running a Quake training school here, we join a server to play, but sadly the 90s have gone and there is no longer a queue of players a mile long waiting to play on the server at any cost no matter what (Ahhh notalgia :) )

Its only fair to mention that there are players that already do this on Shmack. I can attest to this from personal experience where players like Sarah, EZJack and Killa have regularly either backed off slightly, pinged up, or downgraded their weapons/runes in order to give me a chance at 4+ times their ping and probably 1/4 of their skill. Killa is still a frag monster even at 150 ping but its the thought that counts :). End result - I come back to the server and play against them when possible.

I could always be wrong but from re-reading Slot's response it seemed, to me at least, to be more of a helpful suggestion from a very experienced server op and player on how to avoid the empty server scenario rather than him wishing to pander to anyone. I'm not sure what the answer is here and as Slot said you can't please everyone all the time. That said, its sad to have to admit that the community has shrunk dramatically and the pool of players is a fraction of what it was, but as we have seen, sometimes it helps when more skilled players employ a little psychology, sportsmanship, and strategy to bring new blood in to the game and keep them playing ...and improving ...with or without a trophy ;-)

I have to agree with you regarding any verbal abuse. IMHO there is no reason or excuse for it on a Quake server.

\Just my 2 cents worth

Kind regards

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Last edited by Mr.Burns on Thu Oct 05, 2023 8:52 am, edited 5 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 8:33 am 

Joined: Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:52 am
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Slot Zero wrote:
Your attitude seems to be "fuck them, I want what I want-- now deal with it!"

That’s exactly the attitude of the people your defending. The people that accost me on a daily basis…

I am not even a good player. I get beat on a daily basis. The difference between me and the people that are upset about me playing on Shmack is I don’t camp, I don’t repeatedly spam gas grenades and sticky bombs. Instead of spending all this energy complaining and whining that Rambo is dominating the server they should practice and become better. You don’t get better by playing the same way with the same people over and over. I try to help some of these people get better.

What the issue to me seems is that I am interrupting their little social hour from 3-5pm est just by being present and playing. They are trying to create an exclusive club where it’s just their clique. It sort of reminds me of the senior citizens that meet at McDonalds every morning and sit at specific table and scowl at anyone that try’s to sit at their table or even sit near them.

Take a step back and just look at what you’re asking me. What they’re attempting to try and have me do. You’re asking me not to play consistently so that others may have a chance to win. That’s what I was speaking to before, it’s the same “everyone gets a trophy” mentality. That way of thinking is exactly what’s wrong with the world today.

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 Post subject: Re: To SlotZero & RuneQuaker’s
PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 8:53 am 

Joined: Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:52 am
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Mr.Burns wrote:
That said, its sad to have to admit that the community has shrunk dramatically and the pool of players is a fraction of what it was

So the smart thing to do is exclude an additional player right?

Listen I play at Shmack during the day because it’s the only server with people on it. Most of the time in the evening I play CTF where I get dominated. I’m not making posts on or in server asking those people not to play because they dominate me.

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