Hiya Slot and Painkiller
Just wanted to thank you both personally. To you, Mr Slot for allotting a part of your site for ÐeadZone's new message board, to you PK for all that you do, day in and day out 365 days a year for ÐeadZone. Ðeep appreciation and respect to you both, for the way the two of you have worked together hand n glove to make this mod the innovative success that it is.
This is in my opinion, the way in which all co-endeavours including quake mods should be ran, as co-inspiration, co-assistance and co-creative drive aimed at the community as a whole. I wish that it could be like that through out the entire quake realm, but i realise that this is a idealistic wish at best. Ðidn't mean to be so utterly long winded here. *shaking head*
Sincere Regards and wishing you both all the best and even greater success!
ße well and look to yourselves
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."