Rune Central

Practice vs. Bots @ nygma server
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Author:  Baker [ Tue Dec 09, 2003 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Practice vs. Bots @ nygma server

Chuck added his Runebots to his Nygma Server.


[There is also a bots server running at, it runs the IHOC mod.]

Author:  Baker [ Wed Dec 10, 2003 4:16 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey Chuck, it might be helpful if there were always at least 3 bot hanging around. Even if you post the instructions when u join the server, it is likely that most players wouldn't notice.

With a few bots on the server, it would be a good practice ground and probably attract some of the players that are intimidated by real games. I can remember quite a few MSM bot players that went there for some unintimidating action.

Btw, to anyone who reads this ---> a server dedicated to cooperative towards the monsters would attract a good number of players. RuneQuake can be compiled in a such a way that it has monsters. (If anyone ever decides to do this, make sure "Versus Monters" or the equivalent is in the server name just like XOC for Bots and Nygma RuneBot is so ppl know).

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