Rune Central

Please help Rimmer
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Author:  Baker [ Thu Dec 11, 2003 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Please help Rimmer

Slot, Rimmer will probably be playing at Shmack in the mornings.

Could you add some monsters or something so he has something to do. Maybe chatty monsters?

Author:  Slot Zero [ Thu Dec 11, 2003 6:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think I've used enough of your suggestions Baker. I know what you're going to say... I didn't use the ones where you said that, "there is virtually NO chance that any of the TLTQ would respond to such a change", but hey, the year is not over yet.

Author:  rim2 [ Fri Dec 12, 2003 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  lol

hey add some fake threatening admins! 'one more time rimmer!!!' ... '1 more frag rimmer and your out!'... '1 more question from you rimmer and your finished!' :)

Author:  Pita [ Fri Dec 12, 2003 11:14 am ]
Post subject: 

Hmmm there might be an idea in that..

What if there was Mod Nights? Each night a dif Mod ran? One night CTF.. Another Head Hunters, Another Straight up Quake no hook, Maps,possibly Quake World, etc.?? All Rune related?

Now for CTF..they can vote in bots that "protect" the flag.. Bots would send Alerts when someone is getting close (if thats possible) Strength level for bots..

After all. Rune Central.. Central location for ANYTHING Rune Related.

Author:  MagnesiuM [ Fri Dec 12, 2003 8:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Heh would be pretty funny if there were taunting admin bots like the talking IHOC bots except they wouldn't play they just threaten to ban you for camping or strip your runes, then they change your screen name to something humiliating then ban you into oblivion :lol:


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