Rune Central

Bot name calling
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Author:  Killa [ Mon Oct 18, 2004 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Bot name calling

First off-- directed towards I.A.Bot If you insist on calling somebody a bot then abruptly leaving when you are losing-- you better have some sort of a demo to prove it. I've lived my so-called "quake career" being called a bot on-and-off just because I am good (and had virtually no life at one point) so I used to play Quake 7-10 hours a day. This discussion was on TLTQ's forum as well.

I hate botters and never have used one in my life. I never get a big head when I lose and take it as time needed to practice more. Ending a map that you won... you said "welcome to the "B" list" You got the "pack rat" rune twice on that map and jumped way ahead. I'm sorry that I beat you but some people are just as good as you... although some days I am terrible and just need to go to bed.

I try not to be an ass when playing (winning or losing) I just wish others could stop the name calling with no proof except the fact that they are losing... which I guess automatically makes that person a bot...right?


Author:  Diazoild [ Tue Oct 19, 2004 5:17 pm ]
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Author:  Pita [ Wed Oct 20, 2004 9:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Is being called a Bot a bad thing? Funny thing is... you really can't judge the tone when someone says that. Is it sarcastic? Is he smirking? WHAT!!

Someone calls you a bot I would take it as a compliment. Or view it for what it is. Just another non-essential comment in a game :) You could reply with a COOL! or.. UHUH.. or Right! No one is going to get banned for a comment from another player UNLESS the proper footage is taken and submitted,,, and these days more then one views that footage.

Tired of hearing it? I believe there is a way to turn text off, perhaps Slot or someone can refresh our memory? But hey.. turn it back on when that player is gone!

Author:  Diazoild [ Wed Oct 20, 2004 1:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Pita wrote:
Tired of hearing it? I believe there is a way to turn text off, perhaps Slot or someone can refresh our memory? But hey.. turn it back on when that player is gone!

con_notifytime 0

Author:  Yugo2Heck [ Wed Oct 20, 2004 4:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Let's see... some guy named "I AM A BOT" beats you once, ties you once, loses to you once, calls you and everyone else a bot the whole time, and you are worried about your reputation? He shoots a friggin' wall and kills himself, calls the wall a bot and you think he's accusing you? Sheesh.

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