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New Quake-News Resource
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Author:  Spirit of 85 [ Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  New Quake-News Resource

Hi Guys!
I just started some advertisement tour for my Quake Weblog. You can find it at

This was my first post on my weblog and I guess it fits as a promotional text too:
"In this weblog I want to tell you everything new I will find about Quake 1 in the future. Also I will post here if I found anything I haven't known, regardless of the age. Note: This will cover Quakeworld only occasionally, I'm a singleplayer-quaker and this is what I want to share. But for example, if there is a new FuhQuake-release or a new DM-map, i'll tell you. I'll post every little bit of information here, if any coder talks about thoughts about his next release of whatever, if there's a beta-map, some new textures, [insert what you like here]."

I would be happy if you'd just take a look at my work. But please regard that I'm not a native english-speaker;)
Thanks to Megazoid (Quake Terminus) for his hints where to promote!

Cheers, Spirit of 85

Author:  CrAzIcRaCkEr [ Wed Nov 17, 2004 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  BLOGS

Hmmm...I keep seeing the popularity of news servers like this one growing. I have done a bit of research on this subject and have discovered that google runs a special bot. This bots purpose is to grab just the headlines from the website. It does this by using a backend or RSS feed. The process of grabbing web news in this format is called blogging. What is so special about this combination is that the search bot can be told to visit daily, thereby making new content on your site showing up in search engines within 24 hours. (Normaly 1 month turnaround).


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