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Badass caught on video: Black Mesa
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Author:  Baker [ Sun May 15, 2005 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  Badass caught on video: Black Mesa

Yellow actually caught while demoing the game we were playing a player at 26002 who was playing FFA with us (and he's really good too, btw) Black Mesa get fragged with Quad in the DM2 lava and on respawn he jumped in the lava and retrieved the Quad!

This is 26002 rune-less in practice mode; no spawn shields. I was in disbelief as I was playing after seeing that. It was cool!

Link: [url=available soon]quad_retrieval.avi[/url]

Watch carefully and you'll spot it.

[edit = need to get permission to post link to this player's site before I do this]

Author:  yellow#5 [ Sun May 15, 2005 7:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Get it here!

(if it doesn't work try back in an hour or so....)

Author:  Baker [ Sun May 15, 2005 9:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm the player fighting him, when he dies in the lava I'm thinking "Damn, can't get the Quad." He respawns, teleports in behind me and dives right in. I escape but I'm like "No, he didn't do that."

He oddest thing was that Yellow was recording a demo (who knew?) and that he had a good view of the event at the time (because Bastard No. 5 likes to open the lava up on DM2.)

Author:  yellow#5 [ Sun May 15, 2005 11:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

While it's true I like toasting all you fools on dm2 :twisted: ,
The view in the video isn't my view from in the game. I used joequake pro's freemove feature to get a good view of it for the avi. It's a buggy feature, and sputnikutah said it's just a hack, so I don't know if it will made more stable.

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