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an imposter
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Author:  Mysteri [ Sun Jul 24, 2005 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  an imposter

There is a player that comes on shmack with different names and talks trash at me, usually disrupting games because others have told him to shut up. Kind of indicates he bothers others besides me. I told him that one of us would do a screen shot of his IP and he said screw the Admin's, they won't catch him because he uses many proxies. I can live with the trash talk, but I was also told he uses my name (catgirl) sometimes and becomes vulgar and racist during games and I think it would be wise for an Admin to monitor the server for a while to catch him. I just want to let people know it isn't me (catgirl) and it can be proven by comparing the IP's.

Author:  mindfieldzx [ Wed Jul 27, 2005 9:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes,this could definately use some looking into.

For those of us in this game since the begining,or damn near close to it , you'd think we could enjoy this 8+year old game from a mutual love for it, but there will always be lifeless retards who insist that they MUST continue being gay and disruptive in-server.

Slot , not really a request,but like just a question and suggestion....
Racist words / slurs have no place in real life,or in video games...but they exist,as some people think its a crucial part of their vocabulary.
Do you think that its far fetched on an idea of an auto-kicker (no bans) when rascist commentary is used?The reason I ask,this game should be well past all this childish nonsense...anyone playing Q1 should realize these types of attitudes and bad mouthing jargon simply cant,and wont attract players.I cant say its running players off,only you could make that assessment,and that would be over the long-run log scanning,for incidents & near immediate disconnections.I would really like to see some method(S) be brainstormed on the drawing board,and then put into effect , I respect the anonymous approach you use in your Server's,but short of freeing up some of the X's and start showing partial IP's (and ,stop anonymous quaking) which I dont consider an option,or something I would suggest.

Author:  herbed [ Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey mindz

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