I'm in the process of trying to get a server up and running, hosted on my relatively good home connection.
Things are working well for the most part, but I am having an issue with getting the DNS name to work. Clients can connect (internal or external) using my IP address, but not my DNS name (13acres.pwnz.org).
Here is what I have done:
- Registered for a DNS name (13acres.pwnz.org) through freedns.afriad.org. - Flashed the DD-WRT router firmware onto my router. - Turned on DDNS in my router settings and added the credentials for my DNS name (13acres.pwnz.org). It all says that it connected and updated properly. - All udp/tcip ports are forwarded to my server machine (on a fixed IP). - I added -ip x.x.x.x. and -hostname 13acres.pwnz.org to my server command line (among the other typical features).
As of right now, people can connect using my IP, but again not with the DNS name. I can't ping my router remotely or ping using the DDNS.
Random thoughts on where the process could be breaking down:
#1) Is there anything else I need to do with my DNS to somehow register it / broadcast it on the interwebs? Or does signing up at freedns.afriad.org handle all of that?
#2) Are there additional router settings I need adjust to make sure the DNS is aligned with my server computer. The DNS sits at the router level, but how does the router know that an incoming game request needs to go to a particular computer. E.G., what in my router links my server LAN ip to the DNS?
#3) Are there setting on my server computer than need to be adjusted so it is associated with the DNS name?
#4) Any additional settings in my quake server configuration that need to be made?
If there are any server admin's who have setup their own servers with a DNS name, I'd love to hear the details of how you did it.