I am of Brazil and game quake with the XQuake, some time behind appeared this Joe and all wanted to use but it was with some errors, did not order bind of where agent was did not have autoreport's, a friend "Keep" made a version of the Joe with these commands but it did not finish and nor goes to finish. Jozsef would like to ask for for you, to place autoreport's to reconfigure the sound that is very low that of the one not to hear daonde the adversary comes below goes a list of the commands that this joe would be ideal for the Brazilians.
Stryker Debtor
Commands Necessary to play itself in Brazil:
- Bestweapon
- Rotate
- cl_maxfps "To leave in maximum 999"
- cl_deadbodyfilter
- cl_gibfilter
- cl_smoothcam
- cl_pentarmor
- To fix bug of they say/say_team
- Support to the time of the departures in the CrMod 6.x
- Support exibition of pings in scoreboard
- Support locs of QuakeWorld
- Autoreport
# With command binds and disconnect easily (tp_report 0/1/2/3/4)
- Teamplay ' % '
# %a - armor
# %h - health
# %b - better weapon and ammo
# %r - rl status
# %t - current time of the departure
# %d - last death location
# %A - armor type
# %p - powerups
- Teamplay variaveis
# tp_name_axe, tp_name_sg, tp_name_ssg, tp_name_ng, tp_name_sng, tp_name_gl, tp_name_rl, tp_name_lg, tp_name_none
# tp_name_armortype_ga, tp_name_armortype_ya, tp_name_armortype_ra
# tp_name_someplace
# tp_name_needrox, tp_name_needrl, tp_name_haverl
# tp_name_quad, tp_name_ring, tp_name_pent, tp_name_suit, tp_name_separator
# tp_quad_report, tp_quad_string, tp_quadover_report, tp_quadover_string
# tp_ring_report, tp_ring_string. tp_ringover_report, tp_ringover_string
# tp_pent_report, tp_pent_string, tp_pentover_report, tp_pentover_string # tp_suit_report, tp_suit_string, tp_suitover_report, tp_suitover_string
# tp_redarmor_report, tp_redarmor_string # tp_yellowarmor_report, tp_yellowarmor_string
# tp_greenarmor_report, tp_greenarmor_string
# tp_mega_report, tp_mega_string
# tp_lg_report, tp_lg_string
# tp_rl_report, tp_rl_string
# tp_gl_report, tp_gl_string
# tp_sng_report, tp_sng_string
# tp_ng_report, tp_ng_string
# tp_ssg_report, tp_ssg_string
# tp_died_report, tp_died_string
# the commands tp_xxx_report serve to indicate number it of times q the message contained in respective tp_xxx_string anger to appear in the screen (max limit 3)
# the commands tp_name_xxx indicate the name of items q appear in ' % '
tp_took "1"
tp_report "3"
The Sound also has some problems for example:
Map: e1m2
I am in quad damage and I do not obtain to hear the other player catching yellowarmor. If possible to leave the equal sound of the Xquake
If it will be able to add to everything this in the JoeQuake we very grateful.
Debtor again.