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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:45 am 
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Baker wrote:
JoeQuake 0.15 made the PlanetQuake homepage, btw.

Now it just needs to be downloaded by every Quake Fan ;-)

Seriously, I've tried just about every source port out there, and all of them have had something wrong with them except JoeQuake. Before this, I was using Telejano, which comes close to being great, but doesn't beat JoeQuake in my opinion.

Baker, if you get the JoeQuake Launcher out, I think people will really start paying more attention to JoeQuake. I can't think of a single source port that has a good launcher.

I've been following various source ports for popular old classics for years now. This may sound funny, but almost every source port that I have stuck with became popular. It only takes a few people to give suggestions and compliment the author of the source port to make it grow. The more people create for that port, the faster the word spreads about it. I remember back when Jdoom for Doom was brand new. I e-mailed Skyjake (the creator of the Doomsday Engine aka Jdoom) with lots of suggestions for his new port back then. Even though there were other source ports at that time that were better than Jdoom, I for some reason felt that Jdoom had a great chance. Now it happens to be the best port for Doom by far, dominating all other ports for the most part. It only took a small group of people like us and someone with motivation to work on the source port itself (like Joe). All I'm trying to say is that JoeQuake will grow if we all spread the word and do our best to give Joe feedback and keep this port alive. ;-)

Edit: Also, I REALLY need to say something else here... There are several good coders in these forums that NEED to unify! All these variations of JoeQuake are great and all, but I really feel that you guys could work together and create something much, much better. I hate having variations of the same port that each have different features. Why not give one source port all the features with options to turn them on and off? That is what Jdoom does for Doom, and look how popular it is! With a little cooperation and team effort, I'll bet you guys could make JoeQuake grow fast. There are waaay too many coders out there working as a one-man army. This is the reason why I have never been satisfied with any Quake ports. Most of them move along at the pace of a snail!


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 4:59 am 

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I know it's tough but be patient, I think everything you want is coming. ;)

I agree with everything you said. JoeQuake redefines quality in Quake. It can be classic Quake if that's what you like, but still better because of all the numerous ease of use enhancements even if so.

I'd like see the some great ideas Sputnikah put in QRack (automatic water vising comes to immediately to mind) because honestly, I want to give old un-userfriendly Quake the complete boot and the only way this can be done is with a WinQuake equivalent (joequake.exe) being available in addition to the GL and a Linux port as well because there are more WinQuakers than is commonly perceived.

[this gets longer than I usually want to post]

Regular GLQuake and WinQuake have far too many issues and require too much config.cfg configuration to be mainstream. Enjoying Quake should not require reading a lot of console docs.

Once you use a quality JoeQuake or QRack, you simply can't go back to another client.

And, I really don't want to go here but it's absolutely true, all of these outstanding refinements Joszef has put into JoeQuake over time has really made every other Quake engine feel obsolete.

A short example:

1. Start JoeQuake
2. Change the gamedir to some mod AFTER you started JoeQuake
3. Go to multiplayer and set coop or deathmatch
4. Connect another client
5. Use the maps menu to change the map
6. Type "record" in the console to start recording a demo

And if you do merely just that, you've done about 6 things that no other Quake can do (and believe it or not, most of the Quake engines STILL can't start recording a demo while playing multiplayer coop/deathmatch ... I mean, I don't even have words to describe my disbelief in that).

I better stop there, the examples of all of the common-sense things Quake has needed for a long time that are in JoeQuake is a really long list. I've forgotten about more JoeQuake "ease of use/common sense" features than most clients ever had -- and not because they are not used, because they are subtle and if you load up any other Quake you soon discover how annoying the lack of features X, Y, Z really are.

[/I stopped -- but damn it was hard to stop :D And the lousy FPS in other clients ... sheesh.]

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 8:20 am 
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Joined: Fri Aug 12, 2005 8:34 pm
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so can someone make a new joequake where -mlook command and servers list works?

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 11:43 am 
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I think you need to use more particles from QMB. I don't like the spitting of the scrags or hell knights attack, it's just big and plain, In QMB it drips while it comes towards you 8) also the shiny textures options would be nice, also gloss like in QMB and Cel-shading.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 2:53 pm 
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the new particles (gl_part_trails 2, gl_part_explosions 2, gl_part_blood 2) are aim to simulate the q3 ones as exactly as possible. They probably won't look as cool as the original QMB ones, but I made them for my personal enjoyment :) but also, I truly believe it's easier to shaft with the q3 style blood, I always thought of this since I play q3.

How'bout the md3 support? You aren't talk about that much however I'd like to know if you tried it out, liked it or not, etc.

And before I forgot, I would like to thank you for all the ideas, hints, tips and bug reports, especially for you Baker, you're really helping me out with all your immediate reviews!

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:30 pm 

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gamefreak wrote:
so can someone make a new joequake where -mlook command and servers list works?

Gamefreak, that is what bug reports are for ;) So they can get corrected. But it doesn't happen instantly.

I want that version too :)

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:52 pm 
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build 1146 released - homepage

server list and -mlook bugs still hadn't fixed. But linux builds are available.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:58 pm 

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Jozsef wrote:
How'bout the md3 support? You aren't talk about that much however I'd like to know if you tried it out, liked it or not, etc.

The only MD3 set I know of is Sput's at

I tried it and get the all white models. I know I'm missing something I need to do. I have the textures in textures\md3skins.

If I can figure out how to make the MD3's skins work, I'll document it.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 4:30 pm 

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Wish list of small tweaks

Some small little tweaks that would be great:

1. Toyo_M2 had suggested this. If you are scrolling up the console, new console messages like "Player X was gibbed by Player Y's rocket" doesn't take you back to the bottom of the console. I know this is in ProQuake. It makes it a lot easier to scroll up the console and read what someone said to you.

2. Mouse Slider bar. Right now the mouse sensitivity in Options goes from 3 to 11 in increments of .5

But I don't know many real world players that don't use a sensitivity higher than 11. Maybe make it go from 3 to 19 in increments of 1?

This would make it so new/non-techy players could have a decent mouse speed using the built in slider and not having to learn about SENSITIVITY.

3. Getcoords with no filename outputs X, Y, Z and angles to the console. This would help out with any minor map work or mod work.

4. Always run to set not just cl_forwardspeed to 999, but also cl_sidespeed, cl_upspeed, cl_backspeed too.

I can't imagine someone who wants to have always run on wishing to move slower when moving up/back/side to side. :D Although I'm sure it is more fun to frag those guys.

5. No console beep on "con_notifylines 0" when getting new message. Why? Some players like to play without having to listen to what anyone else is saying, but still getting the beep is disconcerting.

6. IPLOG be automatic and not require -iplog command line parameter.

7. It feels like there is a reverse DNS lookup when connecting to server because connecting JoeQuake doesn't feel quite as fast as connecting ProQuake.

ProQuake docs wrote:
When the client first connects to a server, it does a reverse DNS lookup on the server IP address. This serves no purpose, takes up to 20 seconds in some cases ... The code has simply been commented out, resulting in faster connect times.

And my eventually hopeful wish list:

8. Eventual wish list: FuhQuake vid_refreshrate, keeps newbies from having to learn about their video card control panel (idea from Trinca) and I think Sput implemented it in QRack as setrefreshrate.

9. Eventual wish list: Automatic water transparency when r_wateralpha is below 1. Whatever the MHQuake code that Sput implemented in QRack.

10. Eventual wish list: +demorewind, +demofastrewind, +demofastforward that are also bound to whatever keypad number keys you think are appropriate by default.

11. Eventual wish list: -mem 32 being the default for GL like what Sput did, and zone -1024 being the default if it isn't specified (maybe zone 1024 is the default in JoeQuake).

12. Eventual wish list: QW locs! ProQuake locs are nice, but there just aren't enough of them.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 4:39 pm 
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Baker wrote:
I know it's tough but be patient, I think everything you want is coming. ;)

Oh trust me, I have a LOT of patience. ;-)

My post was in no way trying to rush things. It was more of a "motivational" speech. I learned years ago that having no patience with source ports means you shouldn't use them at all. :P

Jozsef wrote:
How'bout the md3 support? You aren't talk about that much however I'd like to know if you tried it out, liked it or not, etc.

Joe, I didn't say much about MD3 support because I assumed you knew it rocked. :lol:
I did find a strange bug today though... I'm going to go eat breakfast and get my day started then I'll post a screenshot and more info here. :)


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 5:21 pm 
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All right, now on to the bug. With md3 models, sometimes when I switch through the weapons they look messed up. I'm not sure if it only happens on certain models or not. It might be random, but I have noticed that in Sput's model pack, the lighting gun seems to always be messed up until I fire it. Here is a screenshot of what it looks like in the game when I sometimes switch to it:


Baker wrote:
The only MD3 set I know of is Sput's at

I tried it and get the all white models. I know I'm missing something I need to do. I have the textures in textures\md3skins.

If I can figure out how to make the MD3's skins work, I'll document it.

Baker, you need to place the skins in the folder Joequake/textures/q3models, Place the models in JoeQuake/Progs, and make sure you have "Quake 3 models" option turned on in the video options menu. Remember, the whatsnew.txt file is your friend. ;-)


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 5:24 pm 
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oooo let the suspence grow!

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 Post subject: new player model
PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 9:08 pm 

Joined: Mon Jul 11, 2005 5:41 pm
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q1 needs a new player model...plain and that looks cool and works properly.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:21 pm 

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Lightning Hunter wrote:
All right, now on to the bug. With md3 models, sometimes when I switch through the weapons they look messed up. I'm not sure if it only happens on certain models or not. It might be random, but I have noticed that in Sput's model pack, the lighting gun seems to always be messed up until I fire it. Here is a screenshot of what it looks like in the game when I sometimes switch to it:

I get that MD3 problem as well with the lightning gun in 0.15

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 11:50 pm 
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I've gotten the problem with other weapons too, including some in Plague's pack. I can't remember which ones though...


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:02 am 
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Baker the md3skins should work..

should be in /textures/md3skins

I have used them and it works..

I will try to get a brief on the setup and files... its not a code bug. JQ should also work with that pak cause it just loads .mdls and looks at the header for the difference of md3 and mdl....

But in all it would be GREAT to make a big fat ass JQ combined and im sure me justin Thyme, reckless, entar and joe, may all get a great kick outta all this.. but. We cant all decide the same direction.. in such we all post and share our sources and anything goes. I read the fourms, and see what the players like thats what i add. And Joe does too, but with more guarentee that its gonna be full flavored and work! I'm still scratchin my head. Decals works in Qrack... CelShading works.. pu tthe 2 together in the same engine ugh it locks after an hour of gameplay! Me = ignorant! But ill try and post code cause this is quake and we like to try!

:O (damn my wife just took that bottle outta my hand!)

Last edited by sputnikutah on Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:13 am, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: new player model
PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:13 am 
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woods wrote:
q1 needs a new player model...plain and that looks cool and works properly.

You should use the q3ranger one I use. It's a remake basically :)

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:15 am 
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share sniper, as q3 models are 3part and require software to co-ordinate them in a mod..

if u have a ranger md3 thats 1 model tat mimics the quake1 animations, then man u have $100 of my bank money

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:19 am 
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Actually I don't have a player mdl that has a different shape. If you want one like that then google it.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:28 am 

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Sput, I did get that MD3 to fully work after Lightning Hunter directed me to where to put the skins. I still got the oddness he had in the screenshot with ONLY that specific lightning gun. I haven't tried Plagues MD3s yet.

What I need to try are those Telejano ammo boxes. Truth be told, I have a library of MDLs that are enough to satisfy all my (v_)weapon model needs :)

Am I right in understanding that with Quake 3, the player model and gun he is holding are separate models? (What's the third thing?)

Someone with a lot of model experience like CheapAlert could probably make it into a singular Quake model, but even then could it get the player colors and I don't think this is the case.

And it would probably be a major effort to get the animations right and even then it would be a gamble as to whether or not it would look better in real use.

This is just me, but I don't want a Quake guy that looks any different than the Quake guy, unless he was merely a improved version of the original. This is just me, I think individual choice dominates individual preference so more choices are always good.

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