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JoeQuake Scoreboard
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Author:  Baker [ Fri Mar 17, 2006 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  JoeQuake Scoreboard

#1 Hey Joszef, whenever you have time, it would be REALLY nice if the scoreboard pings feature worked properly.

I've read at least 6 or 7 comments where someone complained something like "Then Joequake came out with a new version with this annoying bug with the scoreboard" and they usually ask a friend what's wrong with it.

I really like JoeQuake 0.15. That one problem is the first thing that gets noticed.

#2 Have the server list store where QRack does it (assuming QRack does that). Right now the JoeQuake server list stores where Quakeworld does, meaning an ideal install with a server list would kill a Quakeworlder's server list.

I'm just mentioning this because I've been a big fan of the engine since I discovered it.

(Thank you for registering at by the way.)

Author:  Canadian*Sniper [ Sat Mar 18, 2006 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: JoeQuake Scoreboard

Baker wrote:

Who is the asshole jerkface that said that?! :lol:

Author:  Baker [ Sat Mar 18, 2006 1:17 am ]
Post subject: 

You weren't being a jerk, about half the players that I've told about JoeQuake 0.15 immediately say "my scoreboard is broke, what am I doing wrong".

I regrettably have to say, "Well, right now that feature isn't working."

I saw that question at least 4 times, maybe as many as 6 times, on the now dead Singed forum. And that's just the ones that bothered to post.

Author:  Jozsef [ Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

#1 Hey Joszef, whenever you have time, it would be REALLY nice if the scoreboard pings feature worked properly.

I've read at least 6 or 7 comments where someone complained something like "Then Joequake came out with a new version with this annoying bug with the scoreboard" and they usually ask a friend what's wrong with it.

I really like JoeQuake 0.15. That one problem is the first thing that gets noticed.

yea you're absolutely right I have to say. I wanted to make an own version of the ping which is different from the one in ProQuake, coz dont like that one much. I tell you why. ProQuake uses a special server message for sending ping updates but that means it's progs side entirely. So it only works under the mod that supports it. I was planning to make this only from the engine side, but unfortunately it's not as simple as I beleived. I could make it if I wanted enough badly, I'd just like to write it good. Okay I'm a bit lazy too with it I know...

#2 Have the server list store where QRack does it (assuming QRack does that). Right now the JoeQuake server list stores where Quakeworld does, meaning an ideal install with a server list would kill a Quakeworlder's server list.

All sure. Where to put it?

Author:  sputnikutah [ Mon Mar 20, 2006 5:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

actually thers another way besides the pqc_ that crmod sends

it stuffs a cmd to the client buffer "ping\n", when the player hold down tab, every 1 second. Then cl_parse sees that and updates a timer. Based on the time that it sent and recieved the message it concludes the ping.
Look in void CL_ParseProQuakeString (char *string) in proquake and void Sbar_DeathmatchOverlay (void) in sbar.c, also cl_parseServerMessage
case svc_print:
// JPG - check to see if the message contains useful information
s = MSG_ReadString();

I dont even use pqc_ping_times, cause it screws up on servers that dont support it.

Author:  Baker [ Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Jozsef wrote:
#2 Have the server list store where QRack does it (assuming QRack does that). Right now the JoeQuake server list stores where Quakeworld does, meaning an ideal install with a server list would kill a Quakeworlder's server list.

All sure. Where to put it?

Well, bad news. The servers list in QRack stores in the same place as in JoeQuake, which is the same place as QW ---> quake/servers.txt

The ideal situation is where QW and JoeQuake/QRack can peacefully co-exist in the same Quake folder.

Suggested places:


These are just my thoughts. It would be better if it were outside the joequake folder so Qrack and JoeQuake could use the same one.

Anywhere non-client specific is good than doesn't interfere with QW is fine.

Author:  Jozsef [ Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

how'bout quake/joequake.nq? Sput, what do you think?

Author:  sputnikutah [ Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Honest does QW store it in /quake or /qw ?

I think /quake (basedir) is the best place, instead of gamedir.
"NQ_Servers.txt" or "servers.lst or joequake.nq whichever :P or add the option to supply a filename from the user.
I started working on making the server list atleast report who is on the servers, but im not finished yet with it.

Author:  Baker [ Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

servers.lst is a good choice but I don't care as long as it doesn't have an underscore in it :D :D

And yep, that's exactly (c:\quake\servers.txt) where FuhQuake/EZQuake store the list. Not very convenient to those with both QW and regular Quake installed.

Author:  Baker [ Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm bumping this thread just for the sake of doing so.

I want to wrap up the JoeQuake Launcher and it would look bad if the scoreboard ping thing were still not working.

Jozsef, I imagine you have a busy life and I'm not trying to rush you.

Whenever is fine by me, whether it is days, weeks or months. I feel guilty for not spreading the word as much about 0.15 release but the ones that have downloaded it always ask about the scoreboard ping problem and I wanted to wait until this was fixed.

Just an aside ... the ProQuake ping code has, as far as I recall, never failed to work properly regardless of what I am connected to (ProQuake server, regular Quake server, whatever).

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