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A Thanks To Jozsef
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Author:  Baker [ Thu May 31, 2007 2:35 am ]
Post subject:  A Thanks To Jozsef


I just want to say thanks for all you've done with JoeQuake. I know that for me personally, your engine back in 2003 was really an inspiration of the possibilities of improving engine and bringing new life to an old game and seeing it evolve and becoming more refined was a great experience.

I've started to play around with engine programming and really like the way you coded a lot of things.

I don't know if you plan to continue work on your engine, but I just wanted to say that it sure made a difference to me and my interest in Quake, and I think with the number of JoeQuake derivatived engines (Qrack, Tremor, DemonQuake, etc.) I'm not the only one (of course, the speed running community too, but you know that).


Author:  Jozsef [ Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Baker.

I'm pretty sorry that I'm not updating JoeQuake recently but since I started working and moved to Budapest my life changed quite much and didn't have that much time/motivation to continue coding JoeQuake as much as I did before... this is sad but true :(

There's an upcoming version though with a few features, coz I'm still doing it sometimes, I just can't promise when I'll release it, the production got slow a bit...

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